10 Strengths and Weaknesses of X.Borg Mobile Legends (ML)
So this time, Esportsku will explain some of the strengths and weaknesses of X.Borg Mobile Legends that you can meet in a match. So, especially for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers, see the full review below!
X.Borg is one of the fighter heroes who has a very strong ability in Mobile Legends. This one hero is very suitable in team fight and offlaner, here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of X.Borg Mobile Legends that you should know. So this time, Esportsku will explain some of the strengths and weaknesses of X.Borg Mobile Legends that you can meet in a match. So, especially for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers, see the full review below!
Playing the X.Borg hero can be said to be quite easy too. Because this one hero must remember the right timing, especially when his passive ability is active or not. This passive ability makes him a very strong fighter hero.
The advantages of X.Borg Mobile Legends
High Durability
The first advantage of X.Borg is its ability where the X.Borg hero has excellent durability in a match, this is due to its passive ability, namely Firaga Armor which can increase strong defense.
With Firaga armor active, X.Borg will have very high resistance even though he has a fairly small HP. Making use of this passive ability will make him strong in every match.
Has a large Burst Damage
Next is a very large burst of damage that is activated from the ultimate and the second skill that can attack forward using a fire. The attack has a large area.
You can do kiting on your opponent, then when your opponent is dying, you can attack your opponent with the ultimate X.Borg attack and inflict enormous damage on his opponent. This attack is extremely annoying and deadly.
Good HP Regeneration Ability
Next is X.Borg has excellent regeneration abilities. You don’t need to worry about losing your X.Borg’s cellphone. With his ability he can regen continuously in the match.
To take advantage of this ability, usually X.Borg is also equipped with Bloodlust Ax which is an item that can increase the Spell Vamp which can provide additional HP to X.Borg in Mobile Legends,
Strong Playing in Early and Late Games
The next advantage of X.Borg is that it is strong in playing in the early game and late game. As you know, this one fighter hero can be said to be very annoying in the early game. He has enormous damage in the early game and is very strong in the late game.
His ability makes him one of the heroes that is widely played as an offlaner. Which is where you need an aggressive hero to play in the early game and be able to defend well when he reaches the late game.
Good in Teamfight or Solo Lane
Finally, the advantages of X.Borg Mobile Legends are its excellent ability in team fight or solo lane, this ability makes it a very promising hero. You can play X.borg either as a sidelaner or offlaner.
Especially when your opponent is gathered, you can easily attack your opponent with a fire tornado that can fly to your opponent. This attack is very powerful and can explode within a certain time. So that the opponent who gets the attack inevitably has to avoid far away.
Weaknesses of X.Borg Mobile Legends
Lacks Crowd Control Ability
Next, continue on the weaknesses of X.Borg in Mobile Legends. The weakness of this one hero lies in his CC ability which he doesn’t have at all. As you know, CC is a very deadly ability.
With the absence of CC on the X.Borg hero, being a hero is really only used as defense and attack. You can’t stop the movements of other heroes and have to chase them if you want to attack them.
Hard To Lock One Target
The next weakness is that it is difficult to lock the target in when in a match. This one weakness is enough to make X.Borg quite troublesome. This often provides attacks from X.Borg often does missions in the Mobile Legends game.
Now you can take advantage of your colleagues who have good locking abilities, for example for Tigreal or Atlas heroes, the two heroes are quite good at gathering opponents, then X.Borg can attack.
Must Always Remember Timing
Next is to always remember the right timing when you play the X.Borg hero in Mobile Legends. For example, when X.Borg’s passive skill Firaga Armor is active or not, because if it’s active, you can get a lot of damage.
But if you are inactive, you are arguably quite weak in the match, so it would be better to make him active before you decide to attack.
Quite Difficult To Play
Next is X.Borg which is quite difficult to play, especially for those of you who are beginners in Mobile Legends. The ability of the hero X.Borg itself will be very difficult to control, especially in the second and ultimate skill.
This skill will shoot fire towards the front, you have to control the skill and you have to really be able to hit your opponent. In addition, to find out whether Firaga Armor is active or not is quite difficult to know for beginners.
Low Mobility
The last is the mobility ability of the X.Borg hero which is arguably quite low compared to other heroes in Mobile Legends. The mobility in question is found in its ultimate where it can move quickly in the specified direction and attack the opponent.
This is what makes X.Borg quite difficult to escape. Because the ability to escape can only be obtained from the ultimate course, which of course has a long cooldown.
So that’s it for a review of the strengths and weaknesses of X.Borg Mobile Legends. Hopefully, the reasons we convey can be useful, especially for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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