5 Facts about Night Panther in Free Fire (FF) Pets

If you want to find out more about this pet, here we have some facts about night panther in Free Fire pets that you need to know. This is one of the pet that can be really useful to help you win the game.


If you want to find out more about this pet, here we have some facts about night panther in Free Fire pets that you need to know. This is one of the pet that can be really useful to help you win the game. So make sure that you check out some of the facts about this pet. Because getting to know every pet in Free Fire can make you decide which one is the best pet for you.

Free Fire is a really popular battle royale mobile game with millions of active players worldwide. Garena as the developer of the game, will keep on updating the game. Which is why, Free Fire is always getting better and better every time. And the features in the game is also really useful for you to know. Because in this game, you can purchase many things for you to win the game.

And now we’re going to find out more about night panther in Free Fire pet right now. So let’s check out this article down below for more info about this pet in the game.

5 Facts about Night Panther in Free Fire (FF) Pets

Futuristic look

The first fact is that this is a pet with a futuristic look. Because as you can see, night panther is a robotic pet that looks like a beast that is ready to show its strength.

Night panther in Free Fire is one of the free pet back in the day

Back in the day, Night Panther is available for the players to get for free in the game. And not only the pet, players can also get this pet along with the skin, and the skin is also free.

Capable of increasing backpack capacity

The next fact is about the skill. This is one of the pet that is capable of increasing the backpack capacity that you have. So if you need some more space to save some items, this pet can be a good choice for you.

Suitable to use with other pet skill

This pet skill is also quite versatile to use, making it suitable to combine with any other pet skill in the game. So make sure that you combine this pet skill with the other pets.

A good companion for support

The last fact is that this pet is really suitable to use if you’re a support in the game. This is because support requires much more backpack space than any other roles in the game. So this is one of the best support pet in Free Fire.

And that’s some facts about night panther in Free Fire that you need to know. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!