Free Fire Tips on Using the Buff MP5

With the buff update, the MP5 will get even better. So forget the old times, and check out these new ways on using the buffed MP5.


Free Fire is a battle royale shooting game. This game is quite popular in Indonesia and has a lot of players worldwide. There are many weapons that you can use in the game, and every weapons and characters combination will have different results regarding the playing style of the player. In Free Fire, you will also have some upgrades like character skills and pet skills.

You guys must have known the MP5 weapon. It’s a quite popular weapon that appears in many games, including Free Fire. In early days, the MP5 is considered a weak weapon and not many players using it. Since the recent update, there are some changes on the UMP an the MP5 SMG. And the MP5 is getting more powerful than before.

With the recent buff update, there are some new ways on how to use the MP5. We’ll now tell you how to use the MP5 in Free Fire.

1. Use Jota as Your Character

Other than the Thompson, the MP5 is now getting better if you’re using Jota as your character. As we know it, Jota is one of the best rusher character from Indonesia. His ability is that when you’re using an SMG or shotgun, he will heal himself every time he kills somebody with it.

2. Also Effective in Medium Range

The MP5 can now be used for medium range shootout. With that being said, you won’t have to worry in case you’re fighting an enemy in medium range. You don’t have to use your secondary weapon to kill your enemy. Just use the MP5 and it’s enough for you to kill your enemy in medium range. The MP5 is now the third weapon capable of medium range shootout, other than the P90 and the Thompson.

3. Aim for a Headshot

If you’re aiming for a headshot, the damage given to your enemy will be much bigger than the usual. For now, the MP5 is even easier to use in close range, since it’s also capable for medium range usage. Slightly different from the past version, the MP5 is now more dangerous to use, especially if you hit your enemy’s head.

And that’s some tips that you can use on the latest version of the MP5. Don’t forget to train yourself with this weapon before using it into battle!