How Important PUBG Mobile Bandages In-Game?

One of the most underrated consumeables is Bandages. PUBG Mobile's Bandages is the least used consumeables.


One of the most underrated consumeables is Bandages. PUBG Mobile’s Bandages is the least used consumeables because of its ability to add HP players not as big as other consumeables.

However, actually Bandages itself has an important role, you know, for the game on PUBG Mobile . What are Bandages used for, and why is Bandages so important in-game? Listen to the explanation!


How Important Are PUBG Mobile Bandages In-Game?

Bandages PUBG Mobile

1. PUBG Mobile Bandages as the Fastest Consumeables

Bandages is one of the consumeables that you can use quickly. In effect Bandages can help you to at least increase your HP by a few percent before finally continuing to fight.

Intensive battles will certainly consume a lot of HP, at least the time to “breathe” will not be as much as you think. One of the most effective consumeables for the long battle was Bandages.

If you force yourself to heal in the middle of a battle with a First Aid Kit or Med Kit, chances are that you will be killed because of the amount of time wasted.


2. Lots of Pick Up Loot

If you can only take other consumeables for one per boot, PUBG Mobile Bandages can be picked up by a total of five at a time when you boot.

This large amount can save you the time you want to collect consumeables quickly.


3. Does not take up a lot of backpack capacity

Bandages PUBG Mobile has a small number of sizes so it doesn’t eat up your backpack capacity. This will really help those of you who only carry a level 1 backpack but want to bring a large number of consumeables.


4. Important When Entering the Late Game Zone

Late Game Zones such as the fifth circle and so on have a blue zone that can drain your HP percentage quickly and many per second. If you try to heal using the First Aid Kit and Med Kit in the blue zone late game, there is a high chance that you will be killed.

One way to save you from this critical moment is to use 1 or 2 bandages first and then you can use the First Aid Kit or Medkit.


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