How Much is the Cost of Professor K Skin in Free Fire (FF)

If you want to get some new skin for this character, it is important for you to find out how much is the cost of Professor K skin in Free Fire that you need to know.


If you want to get some new skin for this character, it is important for you to find out how much is the cost of Professor K skin in Free Fire that you need to know. This is one of the latest character skin that is now available for you to have.

Free Fire is a mobile battle royale game that is really popular with millions of active players worldwide. This is a shooting game that you can play together with your friends online.

In this game, there are many features that you can use in order to help you win the game. Some of the most important features are the weapons and characters. This game will keep on updating, so players will always have something new to try.

So now we’re going to find out more about the cost of Professor K skin in Free Fire. Let’s check out this article down below for more info about this new skin for Professor K.

How Much is the Cost of Professor K Skin in Free Fire (FF)

As you might know, Professor K is one of the character that is really cool for you to have. One fact about this character is that Professor K is actually DJ KSHMR, one of the world famous DJ.

The price that you need to afford to obtain this character skin is 2750 diamonds. Surely this is a quite expensive price, especially for a special skin for this character.

So here’s how you can get the Professor K skin in Free Fire:

  1. Enter the Free Fire game right now.
  2. After you login, then you can choose the character option from the main menu.
  3. After you enter this section, click on this character and choose the skin that you want to get. It is usually located in the 2nd row of the column option.
  4. Then you should be able to check out the Professor K skin from the top of the catalog.
  5. You already know the price because we aready tell you before. So prepare your diamonds if you really want to have this skin.
  6. Once you purchase the skin, you will be able to check it out in your vault.
  7. You need to know that you can only use this skin only on Professor K.

And that’s some information about how much is the cost of Professor K skin in Free Fire. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!