How much is the price of Alucard Obi Wan Kenobi Skin in Mobile Legends (ML)

Esportsku prediction about What is the Price of Alucard Obi Wan Kenobi Mobile Legends (ML) Skin?, this is one thing you should know. If not, then the preparation might be more sudden, rather than so let's just see the price first.


Mobile Legends will never stop releasing more and more Skins from the latest Mobile Legends game updates. Then you must also know how much is the price of Alucard Obi Wan Kenobi Mobile Legends (ML) Skin?, so that all of you can prepare yourself first. Esportsku prediction about What is the Price of Alucard Obi Wan Kenobi Mobile Legends (ML) Skin?, this is one thing you should know. If not, then the preparation might be more sudden, rather than so let’s just see the price first.

There are many interesting things that we can find from the Mobile Legends game now, maybe you will also know all of them. The more exciting the events that appear today, we just need to finish and then we can get the prizes that have been released in the game.

Then for the M3 Mobile Legends Event Calendar, there are also more categories, you will also continue to receive each prize. All that we will get this time is quite a lot, because of that you will probably finish all of them soon.

How much is the price of Alucard Obi Wan Kenobi Skin in Mobile Legends

According to Esportsku, the price of Alucard Obi Wan Kenobi’s Skin is 6000 Diamonds or around 1.5 million Rupiah for the Skin. Since this has a price equivalent to a Collector Skin or an Epic Lucky Spin, of course we’ll have to see if it’s a Star Wars Collaboration as well.

Of course, the price of this latest skin from Alucard can reach that total, because it turns out that this collaboration is going on and getting better. So of course with the presence of an Alucard Obi Wan Kenobi Mobile Legends Skin, you must have it if you want to look cool later.

So if you really want to get the latest skin from Alucard, you have to prepare that much money first or the diamonds too. After everything has been collected, then wanting to get the Obi Wan Kenobi Skin is also not a problem because only Spin is in the event.

But one thing that you might have to understand from the Spin predictions that you will do, it is most likely similar to before. When you play the Yoda and Darth Vader Star Wars Spin Event, there is a prediction that it will be like that in the future.

How much is the price of Alucard Obi Wan Kenobi Skin in Mobile Legends

It means that the prizes are getting expensive, which you really have to pay attention to now, because there will be a lot of prizes. If for some good events for players to have in the Mobile Legends game later, so make sure not to miss all of it.

Most likely later this will be included in the existing Mobile Legends Squad Skin, then the first Star Wars Skin will be here again. Of course, with prizes like this, you will probably have a lot of things that are quite profitable for the players who compete.

If you really want to have the Skin, just have the prize immediately and don’t miss a Skin like this. Remember if this becomes a Rare Item, it continues to disappear and become extinct, later you will regret not getting it at all.

After knowing the price of Alucard Obi Wan Kenobi Mobile Legends (ML) Skin?, you must have a skin like this now. Make sure you prepare all these preparations from now on, so that later you can have a skin like this in the game. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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