How to Eliminate the AFK Habit in Mobile Legends (ML)
Here are some tips on eliminating the AFK habit in Mobile Legends which will certainly be useful for those of you who often do AFK accidentally. So, see the complete tips below.
AFK stands for Away From Keyboard, it is intended for players who have died playing in Mobile Legends. Of course the game will be chaotic because it is driven by bots. Therefore, see tips on eliminating AFK habits in Mobile Legends. Here are some tips on eliminating the AFK habit in Mobile Legends which will certainly be useful for those of you who often do AFK accidentally. So, see the complete tips below.
Passing away this bad habit will certainly make you appreciate a game that certainly relies on cooperation. There are some tips that you can do in order to avoid this habit.
Sometimes AFK is not only caused on purpose, some other causes could be because your device does not support playing the Mobile Legends game. Starting from the network error, so that the device cannot play.
Tips for Eliminating the AFK Habit in Mobile Legends
Using Enough Devices
To get rid of the AFK habit in Mobile Legends, you can use a device that is quite powerful. Currently smartphones are quite cheap and you can get them with good specs.
Make sure you use a device that has at least 4GB and more, then you won’t be AFK because of the force close problem when playing the Mobile Legends game. Smartphones with this spec are affordable and there are many nowadays.
Play Using WiFi
Second, so that you get rid of the AFK habit in Mobile Legends, you can play using WiFi. This is so the network is stable and of course so that it can be comfortable when playing Mobile Legends.
The reason is that using operator networks is usually not so stable that it makes big pings, lags and of course the best way is AFK because the game is no longer playable when played.
Turn Off Your Cellular Network
Next, to be safe from AFK, you can try to turn off the cellular network when playing, you can also turn off notifications from applications such as WhatsApp or Facebook so that they won’t interfere when playing.
Turning off this network will of course make you avoid annoying calls that sometimes make you AFK when you get a call while playing.
Turn on Network Upgrade Feature
Finally, you can turn on the network enhancement feature which can make your ms stable when playing Mobile Legends. This of course can help you when playing so you don’t get AFK.
With a smooth network, of course, it will make the game easier to play and of course free from AFK habits in Mobile Legends. We recommend that you turn on the mode in each game.
For how to turn it on please go to Settings> Network Settings> Network Gain. With this you can increase your network more stably.
Those are some tips on eliminating AFK habits in Mobile Legends that you should pay attention to. Of course the reviews above can be useful for those of you who are indeed having trouble with credit score problems that continue to fall. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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