How To for Getting Free Hit Mobile Legends (ML)

Esportsku will discuss some tips that you can do to get free hits in Mobile Legends. Check out his review as follows.


Free hits are moments where one of the players can attack freely, this moment is usually found when a team fight takes place and gives a high win, here are some tips for you to do to make it easy to do free hits in Mobile Legends. Esportsku will discuss some tips that you can do to get free hits in Mobile Legends. Check out his review as follows.

Usually free hits are carried out by marksman or mage heroes where this type of hero is a damage dealer who needs the right position when attacking, this type of hero is also a hero who can give victory more easily.

As a marksman hero or other damage dealer, you must prioritize free hits when attacking your opponent, this is so that you can more easily beat and calm a match in Mobile Legends.

Understand the Right Position When Teamfight

First to get a free hit or free attack you must know the right position when attacking. This is a fundamental point to get a free attack.

Where the right position is usually behind the enemy, behind your tank hero, next to the enemy (when the enemy attacks the tank) or in the ambush.

In ambush it is best to get free hits, you can try to hide before attacking so that your attacks are difficult for the opponent to overcome.

Take advantage of tankers as initiators & disabler

Second, to get free hits you can use tankers, try your team’s tankers to have good initiation skills or CC abilities that can stop your opponent.

Some of the best heroes for this are Tigreal or Atlas, take advantage of the skills of these two heroes so that the opponent cannot move so that the opponent will be free to attack.

Taking advantage of this will make it easier for you to get free hits in a match in Mobile Legends, and of course you will be able to do it easier.

Use Agile Hero + Flicker

The next tip is to use an agile damage dealer hero, otherwise you can use flicker to overcome it, which is very useful for avoiding the opponent’s attack and then attacking again at the opponent’s blind spot.

For example, you can use the Moskov hero by attacking your opponent first, then use the first skill to avoid enemy attacks.

When your tank enters, you will escape from the opponent’s target, go to the side, ambush or behind the opponent to attack in a free hit position in order to defeat him.

Understand the Enemy’s Location

Finally, by knowing the opponent’s position, there are five heroes that you can play together, each of which you can identify.

This is so that you do not blunder and are not attacked by the opponent first. So you will find it easier to choose the right position and location to attack.

So that’s it for some tips to get free hits on Mobile Legends games. Hopefully useful and see you in the next article. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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