How to Gank Using Akai Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will give an explanation of Akai Mobile Legends's ganking strategy.


Akai is one of the tank heroes in Mobile Legends who has the skills to do ganking easily, Akai apart from acting as a tank, he can also be used as a great initiator in gameplay. There are several Akai Mobile Legends ganking strategies that you should know in Mobile Legends. On this occasion, Esportsku will give an explanation of Akai Mobile Legends’s ganking strategy.

Playing Akai is actually quite easy because he also has the skills to escape from opponents. When Akai is no longer strong enough to withstand damage from the opponent’s attack skills, he can use his one skill to escape. Besides that, his one skill can also be used to catch opponents easily when combined with his two skills.

Silence in Ambush

When you want to do ganking, make sure to stay quiet first while being ambushed while observing enemy movements. This is the first important thing that you must apply when you want to rank.

Targeting Offside Enemies

When an enemy is offside, you can immediately target the enemy. This will make your ganking even more effective and most likely your ganking will be successful.

Use The Combo Skills Appropriately

When doing ganking make sure to use Akai skill combos properly. You use skill two first then use skill one to jump towards your opponent. After being hit by the stun effect, just use the ultimate skill to push your opponent towards your teammates.

Together with your 3 teammates

Make sure to bring 3 of your teammates if you want to make sure the ganking is successful. This will provide enough additional damage so that the enemy can be killed quickly.

Take Burst Damage Hero

Bring a hero with typical burst damage can also make you successful in ganking. Hero burst damage can provide enormous damage and your enemy can definitely be killed with just one combo.

That’s an explanation of the Ganking strategy of Akai Mobile Legends that Esportsku have discussed.  Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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