How to get a special skin Alpha Crimson Warrior for free Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will provide a way to get the latest Special skins for Alpha Crimson Warrior heroes for free in the Mobile Legends game.


Crimson Warrior is one of the newest skins that will be coming to Mobile Legends. This skin is a special skin that is owned by Alpha heroes, which is interesting for you to get this new skin for free in November 2020. On this occasion, Esportsku will provide a way to get the latest Special skins for Alpha Crimson Warrior heroes for free in the Mobile Legends game.

Alpha is one of the underrated fighter heroes in Mobile Legends. This one hero is rarely included in the ranks of meta heroes. Which even though getting several buffs in the latest update is not enough to bring this one hero to become a meta hero. But with the presence of this latest special skin, it’s possible that players can be even more active in playing Alpha heroes in Mobile Legends.

How to get free Alpha Crimson Warrior skin

You can get one of Alpha’s newest skins called Crimson Warrior in the Mobile Legends game in the following way :

Join the West Mobile Legends Blazing Event

First, you can take part in one of the events presented by Moonton on November 14, 2020. At this event, you can get various attractive prizes and one of them is this Alpha skin.

Bounties Item Collection

Bounties are one of the currency items at the event. So after the event was held you can get various attractive prizes, one of which is by collecting Bounties and then exchanging them.

To get Bounties is quite easy, at the first Log In on November 14, 2020, you will be able to get some Bounties, and then, you can collect Bounties by playing like the Monopoly game. Along the way you will be given various prizes.

Get Dice For Additional Bounties.

One of the ways to move your pawns at this event, you need one called Dice. Which Dice or Dice can move your pawns to get additional Bounties. The mechanism is similar to a ladder snake.

Exchange Bounties on “Bounties Exchange”

Finally, to get Alpha Crimson Warrior skin for free, you only need to exchange the Bounties that you collect at the Bounties Exchange that Moonton presented together at the Blazing West event.

That way you can get the latest special skins for Alpha heroes in the Mobile Legends game. So easy, right? That way, you can get another free skin on Mobile Legends. So don’t miss it.

That’s all the reviews for getting the latest special skins for Alpha heroes in the Mobile Legends game, I hope the presence of these reviews can be useful.

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