How to get all three M World skins for free mobile legends (ML)

Then later there will also be a Lucky Star 2022 event where you are asked to dig until you get treasure, one of which is getting the 3 M World skins. In addition to getting the 3 skins, you will also get free access heroes, namely you can use all the heroes in Mobile Legends and many others.


Mobile Legends has released a lot of good updates that you can really see. There’s even a way to get 3 M World Mobile Legends (ML) skins, which are really cool and stylish skins. Of course, if you use the three M World skins, it will make your Wanwan, Yin & Ling look cool & good. Then later there will also be a Lucky Star 2022 event where you are asked to dig until you get treasure, one of which is getting the 3 M World skins. In addition to getting the 3 skins, you will also get free access heroes, namely you can use all the heroes in Mobile Legends and many others.

Especially for some good events that you really can’t miss, because all of these will continue to get something interesting. Especially with the events that already exist now, surely you will have a good opportunity for us to try it right now.

Here’s how to get all 3 M World skins :

The event that the free players have been waiting for the most is an event that cannot be missed, of course. This event starts from 7-15 May 2022 soon.

Login Mobile Legends Game First

You must first login to the Mobile Legends game now, so you can start getting the main prize. Because this event will take place from 7-15 May 2022, so try to finish it before it’s over.

Share event Lucky Star 2022

Next we have to login and share every day when the event takes place so that you will get many opportunities to get bigger prizes.

Digging Lucky Star 2022 event

After you have had the opportunity to dig, then you dig into the event to get treasure prizes, of course.

This event has the following prize pools :

That’s a little explanation on how to get to 3 M World Mobile Legends skins. Indeed only 10 people can get it but if maybe it’s luck you can get it. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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