How to Get Free Chang’e Moonstruck Skin Mobile Legends (ML)
Not only that, every month there will always be skins that are given for free, now this time, you can get the Chang'e Moonstruck skin for free in Mobile Legends. Check out the following to get it!
Mobile Legends in July 2021 is still giving out free skins again. This time you can get the Chang’e Moonstruck hero skin for free, this is the way to get it. Not only that, every month there will always be skins that are given for free, now this time, you can get the Chang’e Moonstruck skin for free in Mobile Legends. Check out the following to get it!
Mobile Legends is one of the most popular MOBA games and is loved by Indonesian gamers today, besides being a simple and easy to understand game, this MOBA game is also quite friendly in specifications.
You can get the Chang’e Moonstruck skin for free very easily, the trick is to just log in to the Mobile Legends game. The complete information is as follows.
Take part in debauchery events on holidays
On July 9, 2021, Moonton will present an event called the Festival of Debauchery on Holidays. As the name implies, this event is an event to celebrate your holiday.
The holiday in question is approaching the Weekend on July 11-12, 2021. So during the holidays you can enjoy the Chang’e Moonstruck skin prize for free.
Chang’e Moonstruck itself is a normal skin that has a very cute appearance. This loli-faced hero character has an incomparable cuteness that makes the players very excited and want to get the skin.
Login On This Date
Now to get Chang’e Moonstruck the method is very easy, you only need to login on 9-20 July 2021. Make sure that you have a time limit for participating in this event.
Because you have to take part in the event for six consecutive days, so don’t let you log in starting on the 15th and above, because the time to claim skins will not be enough.
Make sure to login from now on and if you can play every day so that you can get the Chang’e Moonstruck skin faster.
Claim Skin on Day 6
The last is by logging in on the 6th day. If you log in every day starting on the 9th, then you can claim it on July 15, 2021.
In addition, if you log in holes, the login days will be accumulated up to 6 days of login and after it is reached, then you can get the Chang’e Moonstruck skin for free.
How easy isn’t it? That’s all information about how to get the Chang’e Moonstruck hero skin for free for the period 9 July – 20 July 2021. For those of you Chang’e hero users and are Free Skin Hunters, you are obliged not to miss logging in on that date.
So that’s it for a review on how to get the Chang’e Moonstruck hero skin for free in the Mobile Legends game. May be useful! Don’t forget to share it! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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