How to Get Skins in the Mobile Legends Nostalgia Event (ML)

Esportsku this time will provide a way to get skins at the Nostalgia event in the Mobile Legends game. You can get one skin for free in the following way.


Mobile Legends is one of the MOBA games that presents various interesting events in it, one of which is Nostalgia, this is how to get skins in the Mobile Legends Nostalgia Event. Esportsku this time will provide a way to get skins at the Nostalgia event in the Mobile Legends game. You can get one skin for free in the following way.

As one of the events that presents free skins, the Nostalgia Event is an event that must be awaited, you can get one normal or elite skin for free. It’s enough to just play.

Not all players may understand how to get skins at the Nostalgia event in Mobile Legends. Regarding this, you can listen to the following information for how to get it.

Here are some ways to get skins at the Nostalgia Event in the Mobile Legends game.

Please Select Skin

First, please enter the Mobile Legend game, then select enter on the Event menu and find the Nostalgic Event.

Make sure you know information about when the Nostalgia event will occur, this event has a limited time but also often comes every month.

At the Nostalgia event, please select the skin you want to get later, please click Claim for Free on the menu that has been prepared.

Complete the Nostalgic Event Task

Next, please complete the tasks in the Nostalgia Event. In this event you will be given several tasks which you can complete every day.

There are four tasks as follows:

  1. Login to Mobile Legends Game
  2. Complete 1 match in Classci, Ranked and Magic Chess modes.
  3. Team up with your friends and play together in Classic, Ranked or Brawl Match Modes.
  4. Login 1x Every Week.

The Nostalgic Event Task above is indeed very easy, surely each of you already knows very well how to complete the four tasks above.

The last is to provide the task every day. Once the task is completed and the turn of the day, the task will be reset with a new task.

Do it by completing tasks every day, and you can easily complete the Nostalgia event and get skins for free.

You can also see a bar at the bottom with the name Collecting Progress. In this bar you can see when you can get skins.

Please fill the bar and you will succeed in getting a free skin prize in the Mobile Legends game.

So that’s all for how to get skins at the Nostalgia Event that is currently present in Mobile Legend. Hopefully the above review can be understood and useful for those of you who are currently playing Mobile Legends. See you! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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