How to GG Using Angela in Mobile Legends (ML)

One of Angela's strengths is that she has good mobility, not to forget her crowd controll skills to the ultimate which are very helpful when the team fight takes place.


Mobile Legends has heroes with various roles, one of the roles that is often underestimated when playing is Support. But did you know that role support is very important in Team Fight? Now one of the heroes. One of Angela’s strengths is that she has good mobility. Not to forget her crowd controll skills to the ultimate which are very helpful when the team fight takes place.

The best support you can play is the hero Angela ML. The GG Method Using Angela Mobile Legends (ML) is as follows

Angela is a different hero from other supports, she can issue helaing skills and have a stack, poke to disable.

Skill Set Angela in Mobile Legends

Passive Skill: Smart Heart

When Angela uses a skill, her movement will increase by 15% for 4 seconds. This passive effect allows the stack to be up to 30% and will affect the hero that Angela attaches to.

Skill 1: Love Waves

When used, Angela will issue an energy attack in the form of a sickle and give Lover’s Mark status.

The slash will provide an additional 20% damage and a 10% slow effect for 4 seconds.

Skill 2: Puppet on a String

Angela will issue a rope doll towards the enemy and provide magical damage. If the rope is attached for 3 seconds, the enemy will receive additional damage and immobilized one for 1.5 seconds for each skill given.

Ultimate: Heartguard

Angela will stick to the designated friend hero. This effect will provide shield and absorb damage for 3 seconds. After the time to move the target is 12 seconds, it will come out and the target will activate the skill back.

Battle Spell and Emblem Set Angela ML

As a support hero, Angela usually uses Flicker as her main spell, besides flicker, she can also use Sprint or Aegis to increase mobility in playing.

As for the emblem itself, you can use the Custom Mage Emblem or Custom Support Emblem with the Healing Hand talent.

How to Play Angela in Mobile Legends

As a Support hero, Angela has high offensive and defensive abilities, she can play optimally if she plays with heroes who have disabled skills.

For GG Method Using Angela Mobile Legends (ML) is very easy, you only need to read the map movements and see all game conditions. When moving to a hero who is doing a team fight, it’s best to pay attention to which hero you should enter first.

The best heroes that you can enter are Tank, Fighter Assasiin, to the hero or hero carry in the team with the highest number of kills. This will increase the damage to the hero and win the team fight.

When the team is depressed, you can work on the area to do farming for carry heroes and keep them from being ganged up on by the enemy.

During the process, don’t lure the enemy, try to focus on the defensive and clear lane.

In the late game, you can play casually, but make sure all the heals can hit the team and the enemy to move the team fight area.

The most important thing is that Angela doesn’t play solo lane and be careful because almost all heroes in the Late game can kill easily. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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