How to Install Kagura Mobile Legends Skin in Minecraft (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will provide a way to install the Kagura Mobile Legends skin in the Minecraft game very easily.


Minecraft is one addictive game that is very unique. In this game, you can create anything and anything with an open world nuance which is very fun. You can play with friends to build a world in Minecraft, especially if you use Skin Kagura which is the Mobile Legends hero in your Minecraft character. On this occasion, Esportsku will provide a way to install the Kagura Mobile Legends skin in the Minecraft game very easily.

You can play Minecraft games using a variety of interesting skins that you can customize yourself. Not only the Kagura Minecraft skin. There are quite a number of skins available online that you can download and install for free. What’s interesting, you don’t have to spend a penny when you want to use this method.

How to Install Kagura Skin in Minecraft

It’s easy enough for those of you who want to use the Kagura hero skin in the Minecraft game. Now for those of you who want to try. Please see how to use the Kagura Mobile Legends hero skin in the Minecraft game easily.

Download the Kagura Skin File

The first thing you have to do is download the Kagura skin file specifically for the skin in the Minecraft game. Now to download it, please search with me “Skin Kagura Minecraft” in your search. Or you can also visit this address:

Please download, and extraft the file that you downloaded then do the next method.

Open the Minecraft Game

Next, please open the Minecraft game that has been installed on your smartphone or PC. After entering the initial appearance of the Minecraft game you only need to click on the skin or icon such as a coat hanger or (custom skin)

Enter the Skin Menu

Next, please click on the empty skin which is located on the side of the skin you have. In this menu, there are several skins that you can use, starting from the default skin and also the custom skin.

Now you can use the custom skin menu to add new skins that you can use. That way, you can use all the skins that fit or you want by just downloading a skin file like the Kagura skin above.

Choose a New Skin

Please click select a new skin in your Minecraft game. Then you will be directed to the file manager and then the file method that you downloaded earlier.

Select the Kagura skin that you downloaded and then please adjust the skin to what you want. Not only the Kagura skin in Minecraft, you can also use other skins that you want.

Click Confirm

Finally, click confirm and you can use the Kagura skin in Minecraft in several ways that we have mentioned above. That way, you can play Minecraft with the Kagura Mobile Legends hero character.

That’s all how to easily use the Kagura Mobile Legends skin in Minecraft games. Hopefully the method above can be useful.

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