How to Overcome Bush Ganking in Mobile Legends (ML)

Esportsku this time will provide a way to overcome bush ganking in Mobile Legends so that you can apply it and overcome these strategic attacks in a match.


Mobile Legends is a MOBA game that relies on strategy in the game. One of the well-known strategies is Bush Ganking. What is Bush Ganking, and how to overcome Bush Ganking in Mobile Legends. Esportsku this time will provide a way to overcome bush ganking in Mobile Legends so that you can apply it and overcome these strategic attacks in a match.

Bush Ganking is a variation of the ganking strategy itself, bush means ambush or grass, where a hero will do the ganking by hiding in the grass first.

This strategy is difficult to overcome because the opponent will hide and attack suddenly, at the same time Bush Ganking is a very effective ganking strategy in matches. Then how do I fix it?

Here are some ways for you to overcome bush ganking easily in Mobile Legends!

Always Check the Nearest Ambush

First, always check every ambush closest to you, make sure your tank hero does this so you can keep your core hero when farming. Bush ganking is very vulnerable if farming in the buff area or the area closest to the opponent.

So guessing where the bush ganking will occur itself is quite easy to know and also you can handle it quite swiftly. Knowing whether there are opponents or not in ambush also determines the course of the strategy.

Standby Flicker or Purify

Every time you have to be alert to flicker and purify, sometimes you lose to using skills like blink that won’t be enough to use because your opponent has the ability to crowd control first when attacking.

Now using flicker and purify is one way for you to run away when you get bush ganking suddenly from your opponent. That way you can avoid it very easily.

Hear Steps

Not many know, that every time there is movement there will be a sound of small steps on your device. You can listen to these steps, especially for those of you who play using a headset.

Always be ready whenever you move when you hear strange footsteps, and use the escape skill that the hero you are using if there is a sudden attack.

Always Check the Hero Icon on the Map

In the match there are definitely 5 heroes that you fight. So make sure to always check it in the map. If you find only two heroes visible then you have to be careful that the other three heroes are hiding in the ganking.

It’s different if all the opposing heroes are visible on the map, then you can relax in farming. To be sure, the map is used to find out various circumstances in a match.

That’s all for how to deal with bush ganking in Mobile Legends, hopefully the above review can provide an informative explanation for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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