How to Play Without Jungler in Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion we will provide an explanation of tips for playing without jungler Mobile Legends.


Playing without a jungler role is possible because you can still apply meta hyper carry itself in gameplay. Junglers themselves do have a role to do farming jungle quickly. A suitable hero to be a jungler is an assassin hero because he has great damage and can do farming quickly. On this occasion we will provide an explanation of tips for playing without jungler Mobile Legends.

Use the Hyper Carry Meta

To play Jungler itself, you have to use two cores because one core acts as a jungler and the other as the core core, therefore meta hyper carry is an alternative for you when there are no junglers.

Use Stack Hero

To overcome the lack of damage because there is no jungler hero, you must use a hero who can become strong when it is late game again. The best way that you can apply is to use a hero stack.

Use Burst Damage Hero

Using the burst damage hero is also another alternative way to overcome the lack of damage thanks to the absence of a jungle hero in Mobile Legends. You can take advantage of skills that can provide burst damage to your opponent to eliminate them quickly. That way you can still play well even without a jungle hero.

Use Two Meta Support Hero

By using two support heroes, one of them can be used to monitor your jungle position whether it was stolen by your opponent or not.

Mapping properly

You have to pay attention to the map properly so that you can monitor the objective position easily, the objective positions referred to here are turtle and lord. When there is a struggle for the lord, no one can retribution to steal it.

That’s an explanation of the tips for playing without junglers in Mobile Legends that we have discussed. Hopefully useful and can be a source of good references. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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