How to Rotation in Latest Patch Project “Next” Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion an explanation of the gameplay rotation on the latest Project Next Mobile Legends patch.


Mobile Legends provides an updated update on the Mobile Legends game, which this time they present a series of revamp heroes and the latest meta in Mobile Legends. The meta is Jungler, there will be several gameplay changes, one of which is the latest rotation tips on Project Next Mobile Legends, especially for Jungler and Roamer heroes. On this occasion an explanation of the gameplay rotation on the latest Project Next Mobile Legends patch.

The rotation in the Mobile Legends game is quite different from roaming, where the rotation this time is the rotation of a hero on a lane in Mobile Legends. Starting from the exp lane, mid lane and also the gold lane.

1. Tank Heroes rotation

For tank heroes, you can start to accompany the jungler heroes in farming. Next, you can go to the mid lane to help the midlaner and then roam to the EXP lane or Gold lane area. Not only that, as a tank you are also obliged to interfere with enemy movements when farming.

2. Jungler Heroes rotation

Starting with farming immediately, you can be accompanied by a tank hero who is obliged to use roam items. In just a few farming, as a jungler you can get level 3 after getting two buffs and a few jungler monsters. Next do harass to the exp lane and also gold with the help of tanks and support.

3. Midlaner rotation

Midlaner will be filled with a support role. At the beginning of the match, you just need to clear the existing lane, and then help the tank and jungler to roam.

4. Exp Lane rotation

On Exp Lane, you usually use a fighter or marksman hero. for the rotation itself is quite easy, you only focus on doing clear lane, farming towards your opponent, to cut your opponent’s lane.

5. Gold Lane rotation

Just focus on doing clear lane and lane push, once in a while you can get hermit crabs and some jungle monsters.

Those are tips for rotating the latest patch for Project Next Mobile Legends. These tips are a recommendation from RRQ Hoshi’s gameplay in MPL ID Season 6. With that, hopefully it will be useful . Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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