How to View Automatic Pity Gacha Genshin Impact History


Genshin Impact has released a lot of popular patch updates for us to know how. Then with How to View Pity Gacha Genshin Impact Automatic History, you can really understand how it will be like later. In order to understand how it is, so that later we will see Pity Gacha from this game easily.

Especially with the presence of many Story Updates from each Patch which are quite diverse, making travelers interested in completing the game later. So those of us who do that will definitely become more curious, and won’t be confused to follow the development of the game.

Then there are also many Genshin Impact Updated Characters who are very strong, allowing us to make good use of them. It becomes a very good combination for us to use, so that you are also interested in collecting it later.

Understanding how to see Pity Gacha Genshin Impact history automatically, you can immediately understand all of this. So that later you can see new information from Pity so you can immediately try to understand it very well.

How to View Automatic Pity Gacha Genshin Impact History

  1. Masuk game Genshin Impact Dulu.
  2. Then you can open the Gacha section.
  3. Then select the Banner section that you want to check.
  4. Click History so you can immediately check Pity.
  5. Then open the website.
  6. After that, you can press Auto Import.
  7. Follow the directions from the web because it’s quite long.
  8. If so, you will later clearly see Pity information automatically.

Understanding how to View Pity Gacha History, which you can do, it turns out that this process is classified as very easy. Just understand correctly this method, so that we can immediately use it properly because things like this are clearer.


After understanding How to View Automatic Pity Genshin Impact History, you can just follow the directions we have provided. If you have done so, later the full Pity information will appear from each history that you will find.

You can first understand what is Pity Rate Off and On Genshin Impact , because this is really very influential for you to see in the game. Because it can have a big influence on getting a new character in the game later.