Is Yve the Strongest Poke Hero Right Now in Mobile Legends? (ML)

For those of you who are curious about Yve Mobile Legends (ML) the strongest poke hero at this time, you can check the analysis. He is currently a very terrible hero in the midlane thanks to his skillset.


It has become a custom in ML with new heroes who will definitely be OP to lure top up players. Yve Mobile Legends (ML) this time is one of the strongest poke and zoning heroes that you can use. For those of you who are curious about Yve Mobile Legends (ML) the strongest poke hero at this time, you can check the analysis. He is currently a very terrible hero in the midlane thanks to his skillset.

He has very high damage and a fairly large area. As a mage, he has a very high damage scale and a high base too. This makes it terrible in all phases of the game.

Having a high AoE is also not left behind. Yes, Yve has quite a large AOE skill. You can see this in all of his skills. There is no single target damage and the AOE is all high damage.

With a skillset like this, it is clear that Yve is a terrible hero. Himself is an AoE burster as well as an awful zoner poke. For those of you who like to play Pharsa, Yve is similar to his playing style.

Is Yve the Strongest Poke Hero Right Now in Mobile Legends?

Yve is the newest mage hero in Mobile Legends. He has a skillset that focuses on AoE high damage and long range. Yes, the bad thing is that the glasscannon is easily dead and cannot run away.

But having a team that can keep him is Yve’s main strength. Yve can safely throw all of his skills forward if he can be guarded. This is what makes him so terrible.

With high AoE damage, what is unique about Yve is the ult. The ult is similar to the hero in KoG who can manipulate the “tiles” to reveal his skills. This Yve skill is the main gimmick.

This terrible skill set of hers makes her a very strong zoner hero. If he plays and gets the right position, he can slaughter his opponents very easily.

Zoning And Horrible Poke

Yve has a very high damage from his skillset. The first skill is the source of the damage which has a decent AOE. The S2 is CC damage which also has a long AoE. The ult has an AOE of approximately half your screen.

With a kit like this it’s clear what Yve’s role and uses are in the team. He is a source of damage and also zoner when push and team fight. With skills that can continue to be spammed and spit out, your opponent will have a very hard time.

But be calm because fighting Yve isn’t too difficult either. He doesn’t have any escape or survival skills that can help him. Many assassin heroes will easily target Yve.

That’s a brief explanation about Yve Mobile Legends (ML). A very terrible self is currently expected in nerf in the next patch. The nerf from the scaling and the CD is considered sufficient. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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