Johnson’s Strengths and Weaknesses in Mobile Legends (ML)
On this occasion, Esportsku will explain some of Johnson's strengths and weaknesses in the Mobile Legends game.
Mobile Legends is a game that has very diverse heroes. One of the heroes who is quite meta at the moment is Johnson. On this occasion, Esportsku will explain some of Johnson’s strengths and weaknesses in the Mobile Legends game.
Johnson is one of the most powerful tank heroes in Mobile Legends. This one hero has a very unique ability which is able to become a car and transport his teammates to get around the Land of Dawn.
Johnson’s strengths
Has a long stun duration
Johnson’s strength lies in the long stun skill. This Crowd Control ability can be obtained when Johnson manages to hit the opponent with his ultimate. The stun duration is very long and deals considerable damage.
For the opponent’s hero who is exposed to the ultimate from Johnson, he will certainly die immediately. Because Johnson usually takes one of his teammates as passengers and does combos at once. With high stun from Johnson, and damage from support, K.O.
Unique Skills and Gameplay
Johnson is one of the heroes with unique skills and different from other heroes. Johnson’s ability to transform into a car and take your teammates for a walk.
Furthermore, Johnson will hit his prey while providing a very deadly combo. The opponent is guaranteed to lose immediately. Combo Johnson is indeed very deadly thanks to these skills.
Hero With Deadly Combo
The next advantage is having a very deadly combo. By using his ultimate skill. Johnson will reveal a teammate to perform a combo. One of the best heroes for combos is Odette.
You can do a duet with Odette by doing it as usual. After getting the target, then hit the target and activate the ultimate from Odette. Johnson will provide a strong CC then added from Odette’s deadly damage.
The Most Aggressive Tank Hero
The advantage of Johnson is the gameplay is very barbaric. This hero is a front line tanker with high defensiveness. Don’t be afraid of your opponent when using Johnson.
You can play in bars thanks to his thick armor, this one hero can easily escape from an opponent’s pursuit when in a state of urgency.
Has Very Thick Armor
The more attacks that enter, the thicker Johnson’s armor is. This is very useful in a match so that Johnson can last longer as a tank.
In certain cellphones, Johnson will also get a shield that gets bigger with the amount of damage that Johnson receives. This hero is the best tank that you can play in Mobile Legends.
Johnson’s Weakness
Quite Difficult To Play
Playing the hero Johnson is not easy as you can see. This one hero has excellent control accuracy in its ultimate mode. If you’re late, just move your d-pad. Then Johnson will immediately hit anything in front of him.
Playing the hero Johnson must be extra patient, and you have to practice your control skills. Especially if the network is messed up or lagging, this one hero is impossible for you to play. Make sure the network is smooth and your skills are honed.
Player Must Memorize Map
Playing this one hero really relies on your memorization of the map and the surrounding area. This is the same as playing Fanny, which has to rely on the map as a base to play.
The more you memorize the map in Land of Dawn, the smarter you are at driving Johnson, make sure you memorize the location of all the maps and continue to practice driving in VS AI if you want to be reliable in playing it.
Slow Mobility (Other Than Ultimate)
Apart from using the ultimate, this one hero has very slow mobility. The only mobility is in this car mode, if not, don’t expect you to run away from your opponent’s pursuit.
For his first skill, it is an attack that throws the ax used by Johnson, then his second skill provides an attack from a shield that has a slow effect on the opponent. Apart from that, he doesn’t have any other mobility skills.
Cooldown of the Old Skill
You have to be patient in waiting for the cooldown of Johnson’s skill, because this one hero really needs a long cooldown from after you activate it. Johnson’s ultimate skill will only activate every 53 seconds.
Unlike other heroes who are classified as under 30 seconds to activate the ultimate. You could say Johnson is the hero with the longest cooldown available today, but has a very deadly ability.
Requires High Calculation
Playing Johnson you must have a very high calculation and good predictions. In driving conditions, you are required to know where the position of your opponent is and how to get to the target.
Of course you have to pay attention to calculations, for example when the targets gather and a teamfight occurs, you must be right when you enter the teamfight. If not, then your teamfight will be chaotic and harm your own team.
That’s all for Johnson’s strengths and weaknesses in the Mobile Legends game that you should know. Hopefully, the points that we have mentioned above can be useful for you Mobile Legends gamers. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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