Leaked Ruby Skin Collector for January 2023 Mobile Legends (ML)

This time there is a Ruby Skin Collector Leak for January 2023 Mobile Legends (ML). Check out the following in the article.


Mobile Legends has released lots of very cool latest updates for you to try playing now. This time there is a Ruby Skin Collector Leak for January 2023 Mobile Legends (ML). Of course, with this you will be able to find out the skin.

The following is an explanation for the leaked Ruby skin collector in January 2023. Of course, we will discuss this this time in the article, see the following explanation:

Leaked Ruby Skin Collector for January 2023 Mobile Legends (ML)

In the Mobile Legends game, of course, there are various kinds of heroes and skins of course. there have been a lot of the latest updates regarding some of the skins that will come later. Like this time there is the latest leak where the Skin Collector from Ruby will be present in January 2023 later.

skin collector terbaru Ruby

As seen this time from several leaks, the Collector Ruby skin will finally be released in January 2023 later. Previously, the leaked skin had been around for a long time, but this time it has gotten the latest update.

Ruby is indeed in December will get The Aspirat skin later. The Aspirant event will return again with a second version after previously there were Fanny and Layla skins and later there will be Ruby and Angela skins.

That’s an explanation of the leaked Ruby Collector skin that will be present in January 2023. What do you think about it this time regarding the Collector Ruby skin that will be present in January 2023?