Lucky Spin Trick To Get Free X.Borg Blue Storm Skin Mobile Legends (ML)
Esportsku this time will provide information about how or tricks of Lucky Spin X.Borg Blue Storm Mobile Legends.
Lucky Spin is finally updated. This period you will get an X.Borg skin hero with the name Blue Storm in Mobile Legends. Now for those of you who are eyeing this skin, see the following tips for Lucky Spin skin X.Borg Blue Storm for free Mobile Legends. Esportsku this time will provide information about how or tricks of Lucky Spin X.Borg Blue Storm Mobile Legends.
Blue Storm is one of the normal skins that X.Borg has, you can get this skin for free during the event period this time. Now for those of you who are eyeing this one skin, see the full review below.
Oh yeah, X.Borg himself is a very strong hero, he is often one of the hero fighters who can provide deadly attacks, this ability makes X.Borg the best offlaner hero at the moment.
Therefore, maybe many of you want the X.Borg hero in the Mobile Legends match. At the same time, you can also get the X.Borg Blue Storm skin in this Lucky Spin period in Mobile Legends.
Lucky Spin Trick To Get Free X.Borg Blue Storm Skin Mobile Legends
Draw After Playing Using X.Borg
First, you can draw at the Lucky Spin event after playing the hero X.Borg first. This method is usually used so that you get high luck when you draw.
Try playing classic or ranked matches and then use the X.Borg hero. Next, after the match is over, you can draw using a ticket and get the X.Borg Blue Storm skin for free.
Draw Routine Every Day
Until the Lucky Spin hero X.Borg period ends, you can make regular draws by using 400 tickets continuously every day. And do this method until the event ends, or get a new reset.
The goal is that you can get even more lucky to get the prize, not on the first day, then the next on the second or third day. So make sure that you prepare lots of tickets, OK!
Draw Until You Can
For those of you who have excess tickets, you can try to draw so that you can actually get a prize from the Lucky Spin. Usually to get this prize around 1000 or 1500 you can actually get it.
Use the 5x draw trick and turn off the animation, then please draw so you can get it. If you are lucky in a few draws, you can get the prize.
That’s it for the tips for lucky spin skin X.Borg Blue Storm for free Mobile Legends. Hopefully the above reviews can be useful and useful especially for those of you who are X.Borg users who want this one skin. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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