Meaning of Split Push Mobile Legends (ML)

Esportsku this time will give the meaning of split push Mobile Legends that you usually encounter in matches in the Land of Dawn. So, you should use the following strategies to find out the explanation of split push in Mobile Legends.


As a MOBA game, Mobile Legends has many strategies that you can use. One of the strategies that is quite popularly used is Split Push. The following is the meaning of split push in Mobile Legends complete with functions and explanations. Esportsku this time will give the meaning of split push Mobile Legends that you usually encounter in matches in the Land of Dawn. So, you should use the following strategies to find out the explanation of split push in Mobile Legends.

When playing Mobile Legends there are five players who play in one match. The five players have their respective tasks, one of which is a pusher.

While the pusher will be divided into several names, what you often encounter is the split push, which is often done when your game or team is under pressure.

Using the split push strategy is the best way to restore the team’s state of being under pressure, with this strategy you can gradually provide resistance and even apply pressure.

Meaning of Split Push

The meaning of Split Push in Mobile Legends is one of the push lane strategies used to destroy the turret by using one hero as a push and four other heroes as a diversion.

The split push strategy is usually used when your team is in a depressed position. To restore the state of one of your heroes, you can do a split push while the other four teams defend and divert the opponent.

For example, during a team fight, one of your offlaners or assassins can do a split push, here you have to know the right timing so you don’t get overwhelmed by your opponent.

Use a hero who is fast and can also clear waves easily so that the push lane runs smoothly. The task of a pusher is to clear all the creeps in the exp lane and also the gold lane.

There are several heroes who are good at doing split push. Now you can use some of the following heroes to easily restore the opponent’s pressure.


Ling can do the split push very easily thanks to the ability of the first skill that can give climbing towards the wall. Then can do rotations and split push very quickly.


The second is Natalia who is a hero assassin with a unique skill that can disappear from the map. This ability is very easy to make him to do split push in Mobile Legends.


Fanny is a hero assassin who can easily do a split push, her steel cable ability can make Fanny fly anywhere and clear the lane very quickly.


Hayabusa is a very fast assassin hero in delivering minions. With his quad shadow and ultimate abilities, Hayabusa can clean minions with just one attack.

So that’s all a row of heroes who can do split push easily and understanding the meaning of split push in Mobile Legends. Hopefully the above review can provide an easy-to-understand explanation for you Mobile Legends players. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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