Megalodon Deathbox in Free Fire (FF) is Leaked!
One of the recent information leak about these items is Megalodon Deathbox. So here we have some information leak about Megalodon Deathbox in Free Fire that you need to know!
Free Fire is a battle royale game that is really popular with millions of active players worldwide. In this game, there are many features and events that you can enjoy with your friends online. Garena will always updating the game with new things for players to anticipate in every update. There are many things that you need to know that can give you many advantages in the game. Things like bundles, incubator, skin box, is some of the items that you can purchase in the game shop. Usually, those items will keep on changing, depends on what event is currently going on in Free Fire. One of the recent information leak about these items is Megalodon Deathbox. So here we have some information leak about Megalodon Deathbox in Free Fire that you need to know!
Megalodon Deathbox in Free Fire (FF) is Leaked!
Beforehand, you need to know that this information leak can come from many places. So make sure that you double check every information that comes from the internet. And see if the information comes from a credible source. In every update, there is always an information leak that comes from many sources online. So stay tune for more information in esportsku.
In this case, there is a new information leak about the Megalodon Deathbox that you’ll get as you’re doing a diamond top up in Free Fire. So you can obtain this item after you top up your diamond. All you need to do is to top up 1 diamond only in the game, then you should be able to get this Megalodon Deathbox in Free Fire.
But the bad news is, this thing might not be available in Indonesian server. So make sure to prepare some amount of money, to top up your diamond in this item is available in Indonesian server.
If you have this item, it will be a good match for other Megalodon item. Because this item is really suitable for scar megalodon Free Fire. So be ready to have many items with Megalodon shark theme.
With this weapon skin, then the kill effect that you’ll get with the scar will be very unique. So don’t miss the upcoming event that has this Megalodon Deathbox in Free Fire in Indonesian server later on.
And that’s some information leak on the Megalodon Deathbox in Free Fire that you need to know. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!