New Buff on The Red Barrel in Free Fire (FF)

So there's some new information about the new buff on the red barrel in Free Fire that you need to know. This can be one of the information that can help players play better in the game. By getting to know this, you can hide in the barrel more safely than before.


So there’s some new information about the new buff on the red barrel in Free Fire that you need to know. This can be one of the information that can help players play better in the game. By getting to know this, you can hide in the barrel more safely than before.

Free Fire is a really popular battle royale mobile game with millions of active players worldwide. Garena as the developer of the game, will keep on updating the game. Which is why, Free Fire is always getting better and better every time. And the features in the game is also really useful for you to know. Because in this game, you can purchase many things for you to win the game.

And now we’re going to inform you on the new buff on the red barrel in Free Fire that you can check out down below! You need to know that this buff is different from Buff Royale.

New Buff on The Red Barrel in Free Fire (FF)red barrel

In Free Fire, there are many features that is quite interesting for you to try. And not only that, you can also get to try the new feature that is the red barrel. As you play in a match, you can use the red barrel for your character to camouflage in the game.

So this can be a really useful item for you to use as you battle with your enemy. In case you’re losing the battle, you can use this item to hide from the enemy. This way, the enemy will be having difficulty trying to find you. You can also hide in this barrel to ambush your incoming enemy.

However, in the older version of the game, there’s a way to spot someone hiding in the barrel. You can easily spot someone hiding in the barrel, because you can see the weapon that the player is holding as he hide inside the barrel. Which is why, it is actually a waste to hide and crawl in the barrel.

And since the recent update, there is a buff on the red barrel in this game. Now, as you hide in the barrel, the enemy will no longer be able to see your weapon appearing from the barrel. So now this barrel functions better if you’re using it to hide from the enemy. With this buff, it will definitely make the red barrel becoming more useful for the players to camouflage in Free Fire.

And that’s some information about the new buff on the red barrel in Free Fire that you need to know. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!