New Items And Meta Effects in Mobile Legends (ML)

With good changes in items to new items, of course, players can get a lot of fun. Hopefully, items are always added regularly or at least there are changes for old items.


Currently Mobile Legends can be said to be very active in making changes. Various forms, one of which is the new item Mobile Legends (ML), which of course has an influence on META. With good changes in items to new items, of course, players can get a lot of fun. Hopefully, items are always added regularly or at least there are changes for old items.

In addition, there are also heroes who routinely come out every month until the patch always provides balancing. This is so that players in the pro to casual scene also feel different things and don’t get bored.

Items are very important in Mobile Legends because they can have a huge impact. New heroes can be banned if they play rank, but items can’t be banned and the variation in heroes is very large.

Until now if we talk about items, there are some newest items. There is Bloodlust Ax, Shadow Twinblades, and Radiant Armor that you can use. These three items are considered very strong and suitable depending on their respective uses.

The new items that come to Mobile Legends, unfortunately, don’t mean the number of items continues to grow. Because if we pay attention there are several items that have disappeared from circulation and the reasons also vary.

Missing Item List

  • Evil Hunter
  • Dead Blade
  • Soul Scroll
  • Spirit Wheel
  • Disaster Truncheon
  • Ancient Ghostatue
  • Bloodthirst King
  • Courage Bulwark
  • Boots of Tranquility
  • Wizard Boots
  • Beast Killer
  • Pilager Ax
  • Star Shard
  • Curse Sword
  • Raptor Machete
  • Hunter’s Knife
  • Awe Mask
  • Courage Mask
  • Shadow Mask
  • Iron Mask
  • Wooden Mask

If you see there are lots of items that have disappeared from Mobile Legends. But actually this is a bit reasonable because some of the missing items come from basic mechanical changes in Mobile Legends.

For example, roamer and jungler items. There was a change regarding the role of roamer and jungler where they got a very large overhaul so META had changed. This is so that the heroes in this role can have a bigger impact.

Effect of Items on META

Of course, Items also have a big impact on META. For example, of the three newest items, both are very important items and almost must appear in your game when playing Mobile Legends.

Bloodlust Ax is almost mandatory for physical fighters and assassins. This is because for one item, Bloodlust Ax provides many strong effects which can be very vital for your build items.

For Radiant Armor, this item is almost a must in META now, especially against multi hit mages. As a counter hero, burst magic is not okay, but against multi hits like Chang’e for example, this item is very strong.

Radiant Armor has a very high anti-magic potential and can even surpass the Athena Shield. But it really depends on the matchup, which is the key to this META shift in Mobile Legends.

Well, it is felt that the new Mobile Legends item can affect the META that will run on Mobile Legends. Of course, the addition of items in ML is expected to continue so that the game does not stagnate. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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