Newest Brown Little Commander in Magic Chess Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esporstku will provide information about the latest Brown Little Commander in Magic Chess Mobile Legends.


Magic Chess is a mode that you can play in Mobile Legends. Now every month, Moonton also often presents new updates, one of which is the latest Brown Little Commander at Magic Chess. Are you curious about what this Commander is like? On this occasion, Esporstku will provide information about the latest Brown Little Commander in Magic Chess Mobile Legends.

As you know, not only in the Mobile Legends game, they provide various updates. Some of the game modes in this game also often provide the latest updates and even Magic Chess has arrived in Season 4.

It’s been a year, of course they are very optimistic about this one game mode. Which is where many Mobile Legends gamers like and not a few of them focus on playing Magic Chess.

Now on the latest Mobile Legends update. Moonton presents the latest Brown Little Commander at Magic Chess, where this one character has the appearance of a cute buffalo like a chibi version from the Minotaur. Curious what it looks like?

Newest Brown Little Commander in Magic Chess

Brown has the appearance of a buffalo and is a blacksmith, this Commander uses a weapon in the form of a large hammer and has large horns with a bright white color.

Brown’s appearance is very cute but has several sword wounds on his hands, it looks like Brown is a strong metal activist.

Unfortunately Moonton hasn’t provided details about Brown’s skills in this Magic Chess. However, this Commander is already present in the latest Mobile Legends 1.5.44 patch released yesterday.

Regarding Brown’s skill, we will tell you if it has been officially presented by Moonton. But if you remember the Minotaur hero who is a support that can heal, is it possible that Brown will also have the same ability?

To be sure, the presence of the newest Brown Little Commander at Magic Chess in the Mobile Legends game is a must for you to look forward to, especially for those of you who are activists of the Magic Chess game.

Hopefully in the future Moonton will provide further explanation about the newest Brown Little Commander on this Magic Chess. Of course, as players we just have to wait more patiently.

What do you think about the latest Brown Little Commander on this Magic Chess Mobile Legends? Are you impatient waiting for his presence on the Advanced Server? Surely it’s still quite a while.

That’s the latest review regarding the latest Brown Little Commander on Magic Chess Mobile Legends. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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