Price of Collector Aldous Realm Watcher Skin Mobile Legends (ML)

For those of you who want to get the Collector hero Aldous skin with the name Realm Watcher, here is the price you have to spend to get the Collector Aldous Realm Watcher skin in Mobile Legends.


This is the price for those of you who want to get the Collector hero skin Aldous Realm Watcher in Mobile Legends. On September 3, 2021, yesterday we had the newest super cool Collector skin. For those of you who want to get the Collector hero Aldous skin with the name Realm Watcher. Here is the price you have to spend to get the Collector Aldous Realm Watcher skin in Mobile Legends.

This time the skin was given to the hero Aldous. He incidentally is the strongest fighter hero with a one hit one kill attack. The ability of this one hero is very good, especially for those of you who are offlaner players.

In the Mobile Legends game, there are quite a number of skins owned by Aldous, ranging from ordinary, elite, special, ordinary epic skins to exclusive skins in last year’s M1 tournament. It doesn’t stop there, even Moonton presents Aldous’ new skin with the collector tagline.

As is known, the Collector skin is one of the skins that has a fairly high caste after the Legend skin, Superhero and exclusive skins at certain events, the Collector skin itself will always be present every month without exception.

Because, the Collector skin is a very routine skin that has become a Moonton player every month along with the Starlight skin, besides that there are also other caste skins that are also presented.

Price of Collector Aldous Realm Watcher Skin Mobile Legends

As a skin Collector, you can only get the latest Aldous Realm Watcher skin through the Grand Collection event, for the price alone you can prepare around 6000 – 7000 diamonds to get all the prizes in the Grand Collection event.

To get the skin, you only need to draw, then choose what prizes are available at the Grand Collection event, available from normal skins, elite skins, to special skins that become additional prizes.

Of course, players will not lose too much to spend a lot of diamonds, in this event you may get other attractive prizes such as border avatars to rare skin fragments which you can later exchange for old starlight skins.

The Grand Collection event itself will last about two weeks which will require enough time for you to collect a lot of prizes in this one event.

In addition, the prizes obtained such as the Aldous Realm Watcher skin itself are limited skins which maybe if you miss the Grand Collection event this time you will wait a long time to get it back.

So, are you interested in getting a cool skin belonging to the newest Aldous Realm Watcher hero which is a cool Collector skin in Mobile Legends? That’s all information about the price of the Collector Aldous Realm Watcher skin in Mobile Legends.

The prices mentioned above are the average prices which maybe if you are lucky you will get a cheaper price. Hopefully useful and see you soon! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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