Pros and Cons of the Spas 12 and M1014 in Free Fire (FF)

Because every weapon has their own strength and weakness, it is important for you to know each of them. So now we have some information on the pros and cons of the Spas 12 and M1014 in Free Fire that you need to know.


Weapon option in Free Fire can be really important for you. If you choose the wrong weapon in a match, you will be having some difficulty trying to beat your enemy. Because every weapon has their own strength and weakness, it is important for you to know each of them. So now we have some information on the pros and cons of the Spas 12 and M1014 in Free Fire that you need to know.

Shotgun is one of the weapon in Free Fire that has a huge damage in close range. The spread type of damage, makes the shotgun difficult to use for long range target. Which is why, there are some technique that you need to be able to master in order to use the shotgun properly.

This weapon is really familiar with a rusher. So now we will discuss about the pros and cons of the Spas 12 and the M1014 in Free Fire. We also have some pistol comparison in Free Fire that you can check out here.

Pros and Cons of the Spas 12 and M1014 in Free Fire (FF)

Spas 12

The spas 12 is a shotgun with a lower rate of fire. However, the upside of this weapon is that this weapon has more ammo capacity. You can even attach some extra magazine.


  • High damage burst
  • More ammo capacity
  • Attachable extra mag to increase ammo capacity


  • Slow single fire rate of fire
  • Requires an extra close range for maximum damage


The M1014 is a shotgun where you can attach a stock to it. So you can actually increase the range and the rate of fire on this weapon. Without a stock, the rate of fire of this shotgun is already deadly to use.


  • High rate of fire
  • Easy to use in longer effective range
  • Really powerful in close range


  • Low damage in longer range
  • Short effective range


Basically, both of these weapons has high damage. But the Spas 12 has higher overall damage, But it has a low rate of fire due to the single fire mode. The Spas 12 has more ammo capacity than the M1014.

On the other hand, the M1014 is more agile to use than the Spas 12. But the bullet spreads more, making it difficult to use in longer range. And it also has less ammo capacity than the Spas 12.

You can choose one of these weapons depends on how you play. If you can aim better, you can use the Spas 12. But if you like to use the weapon more aggressively, you can use the M1014.

And that’s some of the pros and cons of the Spas 12 and M1014 in Free Fire that you need to know. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!