PUBG Mobile Will Release Latest X-Suit, Here Are Leaks!

In Season 18 of Hundred Rhythms, PUBG Mobile will release latest X-Suit called Blood Raven. PUBGM announced about this Blood Raven X-Suit.


In this article, we will give a leak about PUBG Mobile’s release of the latest X-Suit called Blood Raven.

Cosmetic items are items that are useful for beautifying the appearance of characters and weapons or others in the PUBG Mobile game.

There are various types of cosmetic items available in various themes. From free and mediocre to epic at a high price.


PUBG Mobile Will Release Latest X-Suit

The newest X-Suit

In August 2020, PUBG Mobile held a big event with the theme Ancient Secret with the theme of Ancient Egypt. This season there is a flying island which is a special mode on Erangel.

The exclusive outfit set that is present at Ancient Secret is the Pharaoh or Pharaoh who is the King of Ancient Egypt, namely the Golden Pharaoh X-Suit.

The newest X-Suit

According to him, the available set outfit is not an ordinary set outfit, but an X-Suit type. Complex looks and fine details are the hallmarks of X-Suit.

Currently in Season 18 of Hundred Rhythms, PUBG Mobile will release the latest X-Suit called Blood Raven. Through official social media accounts, PUBG Mobile has announced about this Blood Raven X-Suit.


The setting in the above snippet shows how haunted the place this Blood Raven X-Suit is from.

Ravens are synonymous with horror and creepy atmosphere. That was the power of this Blood Raven X-Suit.

By using the name Blood Raven, PUBG Mobile’s newest X-Suit will put the crow in a bloody battle.

With a black robe with a red combination, the outfit will look complex with great detail. Then there will be accessories on the head with a crow lung-style shape.

In accordance with the leaked release date that PUBG Mobile gave in the link above, the latest Blood Raven X-Suit will be available on April 17 tomorrow!


That’s the leak about PUBG Mobile which will release the newest X-Suit called Blood Raven with a horror and creepy nuance.

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