Ramella Disappointed Over Kelra’s Light Sentence MPL-PH Mobile Legends ! (ML)

The punishment has been given to Kelra, but it seems that Ramella does not agree with the light punishment.


The Mobile legends esports scene this time was stirred by a kelra who was punished for his actions. Esportsku discussed it in the previous article, namely that clera received sexual harassment punishment. Now, after the announcement of the punishment, this time Ramella questioned the light punishment for MPL-PH Mobile Legends (ML).

This is based on what she was written in an official Facebook fp status from Ramella. She wrote that this punishment was very unfair for her because it only had a short period of time. She thinks that not comparable to the behavior carried out by the clergy to him in the form of sexual harassment.

Ramella Disappointed Over Kelra’s Light Sentence MPL-PH Mobile Legends !

Ramela herself questioned the punishment given by MPL-PH organizers where he was only allowed 14 days to take part in the pro scene from mobile legends. Especially he was annoyed that there had been no apology from the kelra team so far.

Ramella considers that their team and her team have not made an apology. She think it meaning that the clera team currently agrees that what klera has done is not a mistake or what is usually done in flipina. Here, ramella, wants to demand that the team from klera immediately apologize for what kelra did to ramella.

Of course, with the kelra team making an apology it can save face from the current kelra team, because if the team doesn’t make an open apology, the team is the same as agreeing to what we know is a form of sexual harassment to ramella.

What’s more, Kelra also didn’t just do that to Ramella, he did it to one of the Indonesian Belletron members. Therefore, the kelra team must apologize openly and immediately in order to save the good name of the team itself.

Well, for Indonesian pro players, we should also get a lesson to refrain from saying things that can make you ruin your career. What’s more, we know that being a pro esports player is not easy. Everything a pro player has achieved is an accumulation of what was achieved before. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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