Reasons for Buff and Nerf Is Needed in Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will discuss the reasons for Buff and Nerf Need in Mobile Legends, which you should know. This is very important with many new heroes as well as unbalanced heroes. So Buff and Nerf are very important.


For those of you who have been playing Mobile Legends for a long time, you must have understood the many changes in Mobile Legends. Heroes like Layla and Alucard are one of the old heroes, who are now getting a new look with new skills. Here we will discuss the reasons for Buff and Nerf Need in Mobile Legends, which you should know. This is very important with many new heroes as well as unbalanced heroes. So Buff and Nerf are very important.

Buff and Nerf are among the changes that exist in heroes in Mobile Legends. Buff means that the hero gets additional or skills that make him stronger. But Nerf, is the opposite of buffs, reducing skills and making them weaker.

Both things actually have an effect depending on the changes given. Sometimes the reduction in skills given is not balanced with the addition of skills it has. This makes him more of a buff hero.

Buff and Nerf themselves are common things, especially in today’s online games. There are many reasons that make things like buff and nerf done. Changes to the hero are made not only as a skill changer, but also so that they can be balanced.

Balanced Hero

Buff and Nerf can be done, so that the heroes used are more balanced. For example, there is a hero who has overpowered and frequently used skills, which can make the course of the game unfair. Not only that, this hero has a high win rate.

Therefore, usually the hero is nerfed to balance with other heroes, or buffed so that he can be more than before. This is indeed what determines it, not us, but buff and nerf are indeed done so that each hero can be balanced.

Compete With New Heroes

As you know, many old heroes have been revamped and given massive buffs to become stronger. For example, Miya, who is currently a top marksman tier hero, was very weak in the past.

However, with the buff given, he can compete with new heroes and become a widely used marksman. Not only new heroes, usually there are many marksman heroes who are still strong like Claude or Hanabi.

Increase Pick Rate

Not only old heroes, usually heroes with low pick rates get buffs. There is a reason why this hero has a low pick rate. Usually these heroes do have skills that are difficult to play with the team.

So by giving the buff, the pick rate of the hero can increase and you can use it more strongly. Previously, Miya had a low pick rate. Since he was in the revamp, Miya has now become widely used.

Prevents Hero Overused

Heroes who are widely used because they are very strong are usually nerfed because they are too strong. Previously, Lancelot was one of the heroes with the highest tires and pick rate. Because, he has very strong skills, he can even fight enemies easily alone.

However, even though he was hit by nerf, Lancelot is still widely used but not as much as before. The nerf given wasn’t too bad either. He was only given a little improvement by balancing the damage and the way he played.

Those are the tips about the reasons why buffs and nerves need in Mobile Legends, which you should know. If the hero you use is nerfed, maybe it’s because the hero is too strong as an individual hero. Therefore, so that the game is balanced, buff and nerf are carried out. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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