Reasons for Meta Duo Superior Support Mobile Legends (ML)

Here we will try to discuss the reasons for the superior meta duo support in Mobile Legends (ML). This meta is actually not a strange meta because it takes inspiration from other moba games.


Lately, many pro teams have used meta duo support. For example using Diggie and Angela without a tank, apparently for several reasons this superior meta duo support for Mobile Legends (ML) is arguably effective. Here we will try to discuss the reasons for the superior meta duo support in Mobile Legends (ML). This meta is actually not a strange meta because it takes inspiration from other moba games.

Even though playing is willing to let go of the tank, the teams using this strategy are still safe. The reason is that there are several hero picks that are considered crucial for this composition and can certainly fill the holes left behind.

Even though playing with duo support is actually easier than the usual Strat. With duo support, the cores can be more comfortable and map control can be held more consistently.

We will try to explain the reason why this meta duo support can be a threat to the opposing team. Even though playing without a tank or sustain hero who can withstand a lot of damage, this is not a problem.

Similar to Dota System, More Consistent

This duo support system is actually similar to Dota. In Dota roles are called 1-5, this order is based on farm priority. So there are two supports in positions 4 and 5. In position 5 it is hard support and post 4 is greedy support.

This system was considered very effective before it got into meta trilane. With a core that continues to be accompanied by two supports and the rest doing their respective tasks, it is also fairly effective in Mobile Legends.

Duo Babysitter Create a Safe Core

The babysitter duo make the cores extremely secure. If using a tank is usually less effective considering they are better off opening the map and separating a little. Duo support fills this hole.

Duo support can also be very dangerous because the opponent’s ganker is difficult to get close to. With support that has a long range and strong zoning, of course not many heroes can enter safely.

Impact Tank Is Losing

The impact tang compared to the duo support is indeed a bit inferior if you aim for a fast core. The reason is because with tanks, usually they are too focused off the core which is a bit away, making the core somewhat vulnerable.

Aggressive With Their Poke

The support duo is also terrible with their poke that can go out non-stop. For the opposing team this is very disturbing and indeed difficult to fight. Especially if they are not careful it can drain their HP.

Early Game Control is Easy to Hold

Thanks to the previous poke, early games are also easy to hold the tempo. The cores can be safer because the enemy is constantly being attacked without stopping and this can be dangerous.

Some of the reasons for the superior meta duo support for Mobile Legends (ML) above might be a consideration for you to use it. Very strong at the moment, not many can counter. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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