Story of Hero Harith Mobile Legends (ML)

Now for those of you who are curious, here's Esportsku will discuss the story of Harith's hero in Mobile Legends. Read the following story in full.


This is the story of Harith’s hero in Mobile Legends. You need to know, all heroes have their own very interesting stories. One of them is Harith. Now for those of you who are curious, here’s Esportsku will discuss the story of Harith’s hero in Mobile Legends. Read the following story in full.

A meta mage hero, Harith turns out to have a very strong story, from the ground up to becoming a very strong leader and magician.

Story of Hero Harith Mobile Legends

Harith has a very legendary story from the elf race. It was said in a legend in the Land of Dawn, there was a race of high Ancient Elves in the Enchanted Forest.

This race is described as having a shape like a cat that has a small body and likes to play. The Ancient Elf race could move swiftly and independently. The Ancient race itself is still close to the Moon Elf race which is Miya’s hero race.

In the Ancient Race, there is a person named Harith, he is very talented and wise since he was little. With his abilities, Harith managed to become the strongest mage of his nation.

He is already on par with other clans in the land of Dawn. His ability does not want to go out and leave the Enchanted Forest.

Harith who is a mage is now 15 years old, at that time, he could not stand the habit of his people just like that. Then Harith would decide to leave the Enchanted Forest and return to the outside world to help the humans in exorcising the orcs.

Harith then arrived at the Land of Dawn, and then helped the humans to repel the orcs. With Harith’s ability, he later joined the Moniyan Empire.

Story of Hero Harith Mobile Legends

Harith meets Tigreal who is the leader of the Knight Order and acknowledges the greatness of Harith’s magician. Tigreal loved it with Harith’s passion and greatness.

After successfully expelling the demons, Harith was then appointed a Lieutenant and appointed as the Imperial Master of Magic in the Moniyan Empire.

With this position, Harith can use Magic Art that is able to control space and time. Since then, Harith was very proud that the Leonnin race now had a high position from the Moniyan Empire.

Of course, because Harith has a high position, he always gets various criticisms from society, but Harith is committed to being a strong leader and expert in using Magic Aart.

With the passage of time, now Harith is lonely and very difficult to understand. Harith considers his life to be spent solely on dedication to the kingdom.

Then one day, Nana came to meet Harith, but Harith avoided Nana because Harith did not want Nana to be the target of criticism from his people.

So that’s all about the story of Harith’s hero in Mobile Legends. It turned out that Harith was a very powerful magician and became one of the Knight Order troops in the Moniyan Empire. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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