Strategy to Conquer Johnson Mobile Legends (ML)

The reason is whatever Johnson's role, his playing style remains the same. So you can take advantage of this side to fight Johnson later. It's not hard to fight Johnson if you know these methods.


Johnson is indeed not popular in the high ranks because he doesn’t really fit in the map, but for the lower ranks it is very annoying. So this Johnson Mobile Legends (ML) conquering strategy might be effective for you. The reason is whatever Johnson’s role, his playing style remains the same. So you can take advantage of this side to fight Johnson later. It’s not hard to fight Johnson if you know these methods.

As a very terrifying tank with its combo potential, of course Johnson must be wary of. Usually, if Johnson is gone from your map, it’s better to be vigilant, but the lower rank sense game might have a hard time.

But there is a reason why Johnson is not effective at the top ranks. So you can take advantage of these reasons as your strategy later when you fight Johnson Sidelane or tanks.

Strategy to Conquer Johnson Mobile Legends

Hopefully, some of the strategies below will help you later. Of course, you have to understand it too, so you don’t have to be inconvenienced. Fighting this hero is quite easy as long as you understand.

Below we will explain further. Hopefully you won’t be confused again later. Johnson is very deadly with his combos so just be on the lookout, especially if you are alone.

Use Hero High Mobility

What is probably the easiest to do is to use a hero who has great mobility. You can at least avoid Johnson with a flicker, dash, or something else. Chuck Johnson is quite easy if you pay attention to the map.

Take advantage of the frames

Some heroes can be hit by Jonhson without receiving damage, this is called an iframe. Iframe or Invicibility Frame is a trick where there are one or more frames where you cannot receive damage or effects.

Read Map And Situation

Don’t forget to hone your gamesense and macro because fighting Johnson will be very useful. Always pay attention to the map and understand your opponent’s position because this can help you fight Johnson.

Take advantage of Bush

Also take advantage of the bush on the map because Johnson often passes you by. But usually good Johnson players drive through the bush, so be careful when playing too.

Prepare Counter Setup

The regular counter setup is also effective against Johnson. Prepare a hero who can withstand Johnson’s additional damage but don’t forget to prepare a gang to fight Johnson and his combo.

Those are some strategies to conquer Johnson Mobile Legends (ML). Of course fighting Johnson is annoying at times, but at least you can fight them more easily later. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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