Strengths and Weaknesses of Martis in Mobile Legends (ML)
On this occasion, Esportsku will provide an explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of Martis heroes in the Mobile Legends Martis game based on my playing experience.
When playing Mobile Legends, you are definitely required to play all the heroes in Mobile Legends. One of the most widely played hero heroes is martis. Well, here are the strengths and weaknesses of Hero Martis in Mobile Legends. Check out the full review. On this occasion, Esportsku will provide an explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of Martis heroes in the Mobile Legends Martis game based on my playing experience.
Martis is a Hero Fighter who is often played as an offlaner. This one hero is not very Meta, but has excellent offensive and defensive abilities. Now especially for those of you who want to play Hero Martis in Mobile Legends. Check out the strengths and weaknesses of the following artists.
Martis’s strengths in Mobile Legends
First, we will review the advantages of Hero Martis in the Mobile Legends game. This one hero is not too meta, and not very popular to play, but some of the advantages of this one are guaranteed to make you fall in love with Martis. Check out the following points of martyrdom.
Fighter Hero with good mobility
First, the martyr’s advantage lies in its excellent mobility. This one hero has a movement speed that will increase when Martis manages to defeat his opponent. Not only that, each skill usage can provide additional Speed which is perfect for chasing opponents or running away from opponents.
Has a fast cooldown skill
The next advantage of Hero martis is the cooldown skill he has. Martin will reset his Ultimate skill when he has killed an opponent with this ability, be able to beat the opponent quickly but you have to use it when the opponent’s hero has a little HP. Not only Ultimate skill 1 and skill 2 can also be used for spam.
Very high Burst Damage
Martis’s gameplay mechanism relies heavily on high burst damage. This skill is very similar to the Hero Karina Skill. You can spamming skills on opponents who have less blood, this attack gives tru true damage to the target. This hero when relying on skills, especially on the ultimate he has.
Has high Crowd Control
Next is Martis’s CC skill. You can get this skill in skill 2 and the first skill that can shake your opponent easily. Martis can provide earthquakes that disturb the opponent and make it difficult for the opponent to attack. With a fast cooldown, Martis is able to spam as often as possible.
Good Escape Mechanism Skill
The last martyr’s advantage lies in the excellent escape mechanism skill. This ability can be obtained from all the skills that Martis has. Starting from everything first, second skill, and ultimate skill. Each skill can provide Movement Speed which can give it to run away or chase opponents.
Martis’s weakness in Mobile Legends
Just ask the strengths, we will also provide some of the weaknesses that Martis has as a Mobile Legends. For that, please refer to some of the points that we will convey according to the author’s experience of playing Martis. With this, you will immediately understand and get better at playing Martis in Mobile Legends.
Low durability
Not only strengths, we will also review martis’ weaknesses. One of the disadvantages lies in its very low durability. This one hero is a Hero Fighter but has the same durability as Hero Assassin. Low HP is one of Martis’ weaknesses.
Very weak in the early game
The next weakness of Hero Martis is the gameplay in the early game which is very weak. With a very low cellphone, one of these cannot survive more at the beginning of the game. The artist must have a very good build item first before he does a teamfight. With this one weakness, you have to be patient waiting for the end of the game to arrive.
Rely on the team
Gameplay for playing Martis relies heavily on the team in terms of defensiveness Martis is unable to dispel opponents alone. Especially when your opponent has many heroes, while your team is only a martyr. Martis can’t do much because his abilities focus on attacks only. Rather than a Defender Hero, this one is more suitable as an executor.
Does not have initiator skills
The next weakness of martyrs is not having initiator skills. Differences with other Hero Fighter, for example Thamuz, Chou, Argus, and many other heroes who have good initiators. Martis only has attack skills rather than initiator skills.
Very dependent on skill
Finally, a very fatal martyr’s weakness lies in the gameplay it has that greatly depends on the use of skills. If this skill is cooldown, Martis will be very difficult to attack because he has a small base attack. This one hero relies heavily on his combo skill which is very effective in gameplay.
So that’s all Martis’s strengths and weaknesses in the Mobile Legends game. Hopefully this review will be useful, especially for those of you who are martyrs in the Mobile Legends game. Stay tuned for information about other Mobile Legends games on See you. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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