Things to Do to Create Guild in Free Fire (FF)

In Free Fire, there are many communities worldwide, each with different purposes. But before you know it, you need to know how to create one. So here's some things to do to create guild in Free Fire that you need to know!


Free Fire is a really popular battle royale game with millions of active players in the game. In Free Fire, there are many communities worldwide, each with different purposes. You can even create a guild in the game. So this feature is useful for you to create a small community inside the game. But before you know it, you need to know how to create one. So here’s some things to do to create guild in Free Fire that you need to know!

Things to Do to Create Guild in Free Fire (FF)

Pay attention to the guild name

The first thing that you need to pay attention to is the guild name creation in Free Fire. This is one of the main thing that you need to consider before creating your guild. The reason why is that this guild name will be the main representation of your guild. If you’re using a silly name, others will not take your guild seriously. But it’s actually fine if you want to play casually. However, if you’re aiming for a professional play, you can try using a more professional guild name. So try to decide your objective in your guild.

Have a purpose for your guild

The next thing that you need to do is to know the objective of your guild. Either you want to have fun or going pro with your team, the objective needs to be clear. This is important because if you have a clear objective, you will be able to gather the players with the same purpose. So your guild will be more solid this way.

Look for extra member

A guild member will not simply coming by itself. You need to make your guild noticeable by others. Or you can also invite your friends to join your guild. Once you have a member, try to persuade your member to invite their friends to join as well.

Create a communication center outside the game

Other than in-game chat, there are other things that you can do outside the Free Fire game. You can actually still maintain communication outside the game. You can try using other platforms like WhatsApp, Line, or even Discord. Most gamers use discord to communicate easier either inside or outside the game.

And that’s some of the things to do to create a guild in Free Fire that you need to know. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!