This is The price of the Ling Serene Plume skin at the Grand Collection Mobile Legends (ML)
Here, Esportsku reviews the price information for the latest Ling skin, Serene Plume, who was present at the Grand Collection event in the Mobile Legends game. Check out the following review.
June is the release of one of Ling’s cool skins. At the Grand Collection event, you present the Ling Serene Plume skin that you can get. This is the total price that you can use to get it in Mobile Legends. Here, Esportsku reviews the price information for the latest Ling skin, Serene Plume, who was present at the Grand Collection event in the Mobile Legends game. Check out the following review.
As one of the best MOBA heroes, Ling is quite a meta hero. This hero has the advantage of fast mobility and is difficult to catch. Ling also has super fast attack abilities and makes him a hero with high mobility.
With these advantages, it is not surprising that many players use Ling’s hero as their mainstay hero in matches. Now for those of you who are Ling users and want to get the newest skin. This is the price you can pay.
Ling Serene Plume Skin Price at Grand Collection Mobile Legends
Grand Collection is a monthly event that always presents exclusive and limited skins for each month. It is an event that has a fairly expensive price, you can get the main prize at this price.
Now in June 2021. The skin that was present as a gift at the event was Ling’s hero named Serene Plume. You can get this skin for around 5000 – 6000 diamonds. Depends on your luck.
Well, as the name suggests, the Gacha game, you need high luck to get it, besides that, you can also use tokens to get the skin at a cheaper price.
As for the calculation of 5000 – 6000 diamonds, you can buy them at a price of around Rp. 1.5 million. It also depends on where you top up. Of course it will be cheaper if you use promos and others.
How are you interested in getting Ling’s newest skin in the Grand Collection event this time? You can get not just one skin.
With a price that is quite expensive than other skins, this Grand Collection event also provides many skins that you can get.
Starting from Normal skins, Elite Skins, Special Skins and also Collector skins. That way, the total price of the skin itself can be said to be sufficient and can be redeemed for 1500 diamonds.
Not only that, you can also get other prizes starting from Border Avatar, Magic Dust, Rare Fragment and many other prizes that you can also claim during the draw.
So that’s all for information on the price of Ling Serene Plume’s skin, which is present exclusively at the Grand Collection event in Mobile Legends. Hopefully useful and useful for those of you who need it. See you! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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