Time to Reset Title in Mobile Legends (ML)

Here, let's discuss the time to reset the Mobile Legends title. Who doesn't want their account to be the best above. Understand the timing of this research and you can take advantage of it later.


Mobile Legends has many features, one of which is the leaderboard. You can notice a lot from here, for example, when researching the title of Mobile Legends, you are curious. Here, let’s discuss the time to reset the Mobile Legends title. Who doesn’t want their account to be the best above. Understand the timing of this research and you can take advantage of it later.

Many players want to be the best by climbing up the leaderboard. Starting from small until later, of course, targeting the best players on the server which many people will admit.

Surely many are curious about resetting this title. The title will be the target of many people and knowing when to update and reset will be beneficial in the future.

By trying to be the best you can show your prestige as the best. Either local or server later. There are also many who will certainly glance at you as an ML player.

Time to Reset Mobile Legends Title

ML players who want to be the best must know about title research that will occur on the server. This title research will be held regularly by the server and at the same time on the same day.

For titles, there are 4 titles that you can get in Mobile Legends. These 4 titles are divided into 4 zones, starting from the district, city, province, and country. So, of course, you want to be the best in the country, right, understand the reset below.

  • Top 99 District level is reset once a week on Monday around 6:00 am
  • Top 99 City level will be reset once a week on Monday around 6:00 am.
  • 99 Provincial level op will be reset once a week on Monday around 06:00.
  • Top 10 State levels will be reset once a month on the 1st around 6:00 am

Basically everything is the same except for different countries themselves. Only the top 10 are entered and are also reset once a month to make the leaderboard more stable. Later you have to defend your title.

It’s actually easy to get titles, especially if you are actively playing. You have to be active with these heroes to be the best in Mobile Legends. Estimate at least hundreds of times played to earn the title of the country.

That’s information about the time to research the Mobile Legends title that you can monitor. It’s quite interesting considering the reset time is almost the same except for the national ones. Chase your favorite title in ML. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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