Tips for Playing Ganker Diggie in Mobile Legends (ML)

Esportsku this time will give you tips on playing the best Diggie Ganker that you can apply in Mobile Legends. This is based on my experience playing


Currently the Diggie meta is one of the meta that is quite popular to play, there are two metas that this hero often plays, one of which is Diggie Ganker and Diggie Support. Here are tips for playing Diggie Ganker in Mobile Legends. Esportsku this time will give you tips on playing the best Diggie Ganker that you can apply in Mobile Legends. This is based on my experience playing

Diggie is the best support hero who has the ability to specialize in Crowd Control. This hero can release the opponent’s CC and give CC to the opponent. Previously, Diggie was played as a meta Feeder, this time as a meta Ganker.

This hero is arguably the best ganker hero right now and is still very strong. Now see the following reviews, OK!

Use the First Skill to Check Ambush

The first is to always check for ambush on each map. You can use Diggie’s first skill which can give a time bomb in the specified direction. You can use this bomb to check every ambush.

The goal is that your core hero doesn’t depend on your opponent, and of course you can find out your opponent’s movements very easily.

Always Roaming

Next is always roaming. As a ganker, of course, you are required to always roam the Mobile Legends game. This allows you to do the ganking more often.

You can rotate from sidelaner, midlaner and offlaner. Help them to push with surprise attacks. Next do teamwork to beat your opponent.

Use the Tanker-Support Build

Next is the build recommendation that you use. First for emblems, you can use emblem support to increase movement speed. Then use a semi tanker build and support.

The goal is that your defense is strong and not easy to lose, besides that you can also attack with great damage in Mobile Legends.

Always Doing Initiation

Next is always to initiate. The initiation attack will help you to give a good ranking. This is not only done by tankers. You can also initiate using Diggie.

First, you can take advantage of the second skill which gives CC to your opponent, within three seconds, your opponent will be pulled back to the midpoint, also use the first skill to give additional damage, if your opponent attacks, use your ultimate skill to dodge.

Team Coordination

Lastly, the most important thing is to coordinate with your team. For example, when hanging down, tell your friends downstairs to get ready.

Likewise with a friend in the mid lane and he is on the lane. This is to increase your ganking success in Mobile Legends.

So that’s it for a review of tips on playing Diggie hero as a ganker in Mobile Legends. Apart from the Diggie Feeder meta, this meta one is also very powerful in Mobile Legends. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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