Tips For Playing Initiator In Mobile Legends

The initiator is very important if you want to play more aggressively. With the initiator, you can be more consistent in starting teamfight.


Tips for playing the initiator Mobile Legends. Lots of roles in Mobile Legends that you can use. The available roles also have their respective skills. But there is one thing that is important enough to win your teamfight, namely the initiator. Usually the initiator is filled with mage heroes, fighters, and tanks. Their skill is to unlock teamfight.

The initiator is very important if you want to play more aggressively. With the initiator, you can be more consistent in starting teamfight. There are so many advantages of opening teamfight, one of which is that the enemy will not expect that teamfight will start.

With a good initiator, even if your team is lagging behind the farm this will have no effect. The team that collapses can be the winner if it has a good chance. Therefore it is quite important role initiator for a team. Being able to provide good enough returns is their goal.

Some tips for playing the initiator Mobile Legends.

Know what heroes can be the initiator

Not all heroes in Mobile Legends can become initiators in Mobile Legends, therefore it is very important to use the right heroes to become the initiators. But there are some similarities to some of the best heroes who can become initiators. The similarity is that these heroes have good set-up skills.

The set-up here is a skill that can open up great opportunities and prepare your team players to enter. Usually the set-up will be filled with dangerous CC AOE. By getting lots of opposing heroes, your team can immediately take advantage of your set-up.

Good Positioning

With the right position you can catch your opponent without them knowing. Of course, not only initiators, their team must also understand a good position. Usually these initiators were not in front, but on the side. From a position their opponent didn’t think about, they could immediately open a teamfight.

Perfect Timing

You also have to pay attention to the timing. Even though you have a hero and an advantageous position, it’s useless if you issue the wrong skill. There must be the right timing in doing your skills and try to get your team ready too. With the set-up at the right time, you can immediately open and close teamfight.

Good Decision Making

Decision making is a skill that cannot be learned, you have to keep playing and learning from experience. When to open teamfight, when to pull the initiator, and also when to give up on reset. This is very important for initiators because they are the spearhead of a team.

Those are some tips for playing the Mobile Legends initiator that you can understand. It’s not an easy thing to be an initiator because of their high impact. Because it’s not an easy thing, usually players with higher experience fill this role. Also follow our social media on Instagram.