Tips for Playing Mirror Mode in Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, some tips on playing in Mirror Mode in Mobile Legends.


Mobile Legends is a game that has many game modes in it. In addition to Classic Mode, Ranked Mode, Magic Chess, Survival, Mayhem Mode, and Mirror Mode, the mode that will be coming soon is Mirror Mode, here are some tips you can use to win in Mirror Mode in Mobile Legends. On this occasion, some tips on playing in Mirror Mode in Mobile Legends.

Mirror Mode is a pretty fun mode to play in Mobile Legends. In this mode you can play the same hero as in the mirror. Yes, there will be the same 5 heroes, both in allies and enemies. Later you will have fun playing.

Tips for Playing Mirror Mode in Mobile Legends

Voting for the Meta Hero or Hero that You Master it

At the start of the match you will choose several heroes available in this mode, later there will be 6 heroes that you can vote for. Now the tips, please vote for the hero according to the hero you master. Later, the most chosen heroes will get the opportunity to play. Make sure the hero you are good at, so you can win the match.

Use Different Items

When you use a hero fighter, one of you is a damager, and also a tanker. Which is intended to make the game draw, and get a chance to get more wins.

Not only that, you can also customize items with your opponents. Because it is a mirror mode, which presents the same opponents all.

Don’t Play Solo Lane

In this mode it is very easy to get ganked, and also avoid playing solo lane because it can increase your losses when playing mirror mode. Even though when you lose the Mirror Mode itself will not decrease the statistics, the winrate of the hero if you lose will still decrease.

Do Ganking As Often As Possible

You can do ganking as often as you want. Which is when you get an opponent who is doing solo farming, you only need to beat your opponent one by one.

Ambush your opponent quickly, and attack other opponents together. Even though it’s just having fun, you have to keep playing seriously

Those are some tips for playing mirror mode in Mobile Legends. Don’t forget to follow our official Instagram at @esports.ku