Tips on Solving the Force Close Issue in Free Fire

The issues in the game may vary, from lagging issues, to force closing. Here's some solution to solve the force closing issue in Free Fire


To fill your leisure time, there are many games available for download in android. And with those many games available, you’ll have plenty options on what to play in your device. If you want to have fun with your friends and even strangers online, you can try playing Free Fire with your friends online. You can also meet new friends in the game, and play together too.

Garena will always update the game in Free Fire. It will present players with new features and events. And these events will give you interesting prizes that players can claim.

However, there are some issues found in the game. But it’s not always the game’s fault. Sometimes, it’s either your device, or the network connection. The issues in the game may vary, from lagging issues, to force closing. Here’s some solution to solve the force closing issue in Free Fire

1. Erase the Cache

Cache is a junk file in an apps. Since Free Fire is a quite huge apps, there will also be a huge amount of cache. The more you use your apps, the more cache will be in your device. The amount of cache will affect the performance on your device. So erase it routinely, so the device performance will always be optimal.

2. Restart Your Device

If you restart your device, then all the system and function will also restart. By restarting, The device performance will also get better when you play Free Fire.

3. Reinstall

The next thing to do is to restart the Free Fire app on your device. This is a good thing to do, in case there’s a broken file in the app. Restarting can automatically fix the broken file in the Free Fire app.

4. Change Your Device

If your device is completely incapable of playing Free Fire, we suggest you to change your device. If the app keeps on lagging and force closing, it’s also a better solution to change your device.

5. Your Device Might be Infected by a Virus

If your device is infected by a virus, it will surely affect your device performane. As a result, when you play Free Fire, it will often lag or even force close by itself. In order to solve the problem, you can uninstall an antivirus in playstore, so your device performance will get better.

6. Gamebooster

Gamebooster is an app that can be used to optimize the performance of a game. It will affect any game in your device. To solve the force close issue, try to download the gamebooster available in playstore.

That’s some solution that we can suggest you to solve the force close issue in Free Fire. Try to diagnose the problem first, then you can use these solutions as an answer. Good luck!