Tips on using Caroline as Your Character Free Fire

Here we will explain you how to properly use certain Free Fire character. With the knowledge on how to effectively use the Caroline character, you can improve your gameplay, and it can give you an advantage by acknowledging the character skills.


Free Fire is one of the best battle royale game in android. There’s a lot of type of weapons and characters in the game with certain skills available in every character. You can also play squad with your friends or solo. Here we will explain you how to properly use certain Free Fire character. With the knowledge on how to effectively use the Caroline character, you can improve your gameplay, and it can give you an advantage by acknowledging the character skills. Recent updates reveals new character named Wolfrahh that you can check out by clicking his name.

There are many players that underestimates Caroline, even though she is a decent character to play with if you utilize her the right way.

1.      Always Wield a Shotgun

Caroline will increase her running speed if she wields a shotgun, so make sure you have one while using this character.

2.      Suitable to Rush an Enemy

Actually there are many character you can use for this particular playing style.

Caroline is one of the character suitable for you to rush an enemy, since she will sprint faster every time she holds a shotgun.

  1. Combine With Jota’s Skill

If you’re interested with Caroline’s character appearance, you can optimize this character by combining her skill with Jota’s. This will optimize the character’s skill since Jota is also a character suitable for aggressive type of play. Jota’s skill will enable you to heal yourself every time you kill an enemy with a SMGs or shotguns in a match.

  1. Wield a Shotgun Every Time You Run

If you want to flee from a battle or displace to a more strategic location, it will be better if you have a shotgun wielded while you run since Caroline’s skill will enable you to run faster while wielding a shotgun.

And that’s how you properly use the Caroline character and her skills. With the proper strategy and skill combination, this character can also be dangerous just like the other characters! follow us on instagram esportsku