Total Crest Skin Chou Thunderfist Mobile Legends (ML)

In the current Mobile Legends game, there are many things that players can try to explore more deeply. For example, regarding the explanation regarding Total Crest Skin Chou Thunderfist Mobile Legends (ML). For this, later you will be able to find out what it is like.

Certainly familiar to players of the Mobile Legends game with various updates that are constantly present in the game. Moreover, for some of these updates, players will also get various excitement when you play them.

Of course, there are lots of updates to some of this content for you to know, one of which is skin. Because the players themselves are also curious about the shape or method of getting the skin.

If you later want to see a more detailed explanation, you can just look at the article later, but later there’s no harm in seeing the explanation regarding Squad Names in Mobile Legends this time.

It’s possible that later the players will take references after seeing several lists of squad names this time. So it will make the squad owned by the player cooler by using that name.

We will discuss this time in the article about Chou Thunderfist’s total crest skin in the MLBB game this time. This is quite interesting for you to know, so just look at the explanation below so you can find out.

Total Crest Skin Chou Thunderfist Mobile Legends (ML)

The Chou Thunderfist skin itself requires a total of 1700 Dawning Star Crests to be able to claim it. This is done by players when drawing at the ongoing Dawning Star event, of course in the Mobile Legends game this time.

Where to get that many crests you need around 5000-6000 diamonds during gacha. It’s enough to use a lot of diamonds to be able to claim this skin, of course.

The players of the MLBB game this time will certainly understand the explanation regarding Chou Thunderfist’s crest skin. So for those of you who play the game and are users of the Chou hero, you can try collecting it this time.

Earlier we explained a little about how many total crests are needed for the Chou Thunderfist skin in the MLBB game. Surely you already understand this explanation and what do you think about the explanation in the article, is it interesting?