Unique Facts on The Free Fire (FF) Clash Squad Mode
Now there's some unique facts on the Free Fire clash squad mode that you need to know. These facts can be really interesting for you to find out. Especially if you never try to play in this mode. For those of you who already play in this mode, there is something new that you might not know yet so stay tune!
Now there’s some unique facts on the Free Fire clash squad mode that you need to know. These facts can be really interesting for you to find out. Especially if you never try to play in this mode. For those of you who already play in this mode, there is something new that you might not know yet so stay tune!
Free Fire is a really popular battle royale mobile game with millions of active players worldwide. Garena as the developer of the game, will keep on updating the game. Which is why, Free Fire is always getting better and better every time. And the features in the game is also really useful for you to know. Because in this game, you can purchase many things for you to win the game.
And now we’re going to explain you some of the facts on the clash squad mode in Free Fire. You can also find out the best weapon in clash squad that you can check out here.
Unique Facts on The Free Fire (FF) Clash Squad Mode
It’s a quick match
Clash squad is a different kind of game mode in Free Fire. Rather than battle royale, what you’ll get in this mode is a quick deathmatch type of play. The game will be played in a couple rounds to determine the winner of the match. You can also play in this mode to complete some missions from the game.
You can purchase some weapons in it
Then you can also find out that you can purchase your weapon in this mode instead of looting. You can purchase your weapons by spending some gold in this mode. So try to conserve some of your gold in order to be able to purchase the weapon that you want to use.
Small map mode
Because clash squad mode is a quick match, then the map that you’ll be in is also a small type of map. This small map automatically makes the battle more intense and fast-paced. It will use locations taken from Kalahari and Bermuda.
Different weapons in every different maps
This is one of the new facts that all of you must know. Because this is a new system in clash squad mode that is coming to the game real soon. So if you play in certain maps, you will have different weapon option to purchase in each of those maps.
And that’s some unique facts on the Free Fire clash squad mode that you need to know. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!