Weird Meta of Mobile Legends (ML)


Mobile Legends for this game, as you know, currently there are various interesting updates. Like this time you can find out the Weird Meta of Mobile Legends (ML), Of course, with that you can find out.

Apart from that, of course you know that the Mobile Legends game presents several interesting updates that you can use. So you players are certainly interested in playing the game.

You can find out more in detail in the article, before that you can also see  the Functions of Moonlit Crest Mobile Legends (ML)  this time. That way you will be able to find out about the function of these items in the Mobile Legends game.

In the following, we will also provide an explanation for some of the strange metas that exist in the Mobile Legends game, which can actually be used effectively. Of course, you can find out about this this time in the article below because it is very interesting.

Weird Meta of Mobile Legends (ML)

As is also known, in the Mobile Legends game itself there are various kinds of heroes present in the game. Of course, with these various heroes also presenting several metas that occur, there are several metas that can be considered quite strange that occur and in fact these things are quite effective. The following are some of the strangest metas in the game:

Jungler Tank

Of course, as we know for now, it is known as the meta Jungler tank, of course, this can be considered quite strange. It is indeed known that the tank itself was originally created to protect teammates but was instead used as a jungler to get some of the creeps in the Mobile Legends game.

Diggie Feeder

Another meta that is quite popular and effective is the Diggie Feeder, where for this meta applies to using the Diggie hero and feeding continuously and being a distraction from other players and this can be said to be quite effective because it makes the opponent distracted later .

Karina Tank

Then there is also the Karina Tank meta where you can later use the meta to make it effective to use. Where to use it you can use the hero Karina and later you build defense items with this which can be said to be quite effective apart from high durability but also has painful damage.

Popol Kupa Roam

Another meta option is with Popol Kupa roaming, this meta is indeed very strange to do but can be said to be quite effective. This happened with the Popol Kupa hero using roam items, even though it has high durability, this hero also has quite high damage.

Hayabusa Roamer

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Another meta, this time, is the Hayabusa roamer, which is quite strange to use, but it actually happens quite effectively. Where indeed you can use this meta with the Hayabusa hero who is used as a roamer, this can also be said to be enough to overwhelm your opponent with this meta.

That’s an explanation of some of the strange metas that are happening in the Legends mobile game this time which are quite popular and effectively used. Of course, this is an interesting thing for you to know, what do you think about this explanation this time for the meta?