What is Gold Lane Mobile Legends (ML)?
On this occasion we will provide an explanation of what gold lane Mobile Legends is. For those of you who are curious and want to know information about Gold Lane in the latest Mobile Legends patch, let's just see the full explanation below, OK!
In the Next Mobile Legends Project, there has just been a lane change which is divided into four lanes, gold lane, jungler, mid lane, and exp lane. This time what we will discuss first is what gold lane Mobile Legends is. Maybe most Mobile Legends players are still unfamiliar with this new patch, therefore we will explain it to you, especially about the gold lane. On this occasion we will provide an explanation of what gold lane Mobile Legends is. For those of you who are curious and want to know information about Gold Lane in the latest Mobile Legends patch, let’s just see the full explanation below, OK!
Indeed, the Next Mobile Legends Project brings many significant changes, both in terms of features, in terms of graphics, and even changing the meta in Mobile Legends. With the presence of revamps for old heroes and changes to the existing lane in a gameplay, this is the basis for the Mobile Legends meta change. There are advantages of each lane in Mobile Legends.
What is Gold Lane Mobile Legends
Gold Lane is a side lane of mobile legends (ML) which is located far from the location where the Turtle will first spawn. Gold lane itself is suitable for heroes with the marksman role because when in this lane the marksman hero can develop quickly.
Because heroes with role marksman are quite weak in the early game, they need safe gameplay while collecting gold to get equipment items. Gold Lane itself will provide a lot of additional gold to the marksman hero by eliminating siege minions.
This Siege minion is a new type of minion that is present in Project Next Mobile Legends which has an important role to provide additional gold to the hero who eliminated him. You need to know that the siege minions in the first 7 waves in this Gold lane will give 50% additional Gold. This is what will make the marksman hero suitable to be placed on this one lane.
What is Gold Lane Mobile Legends
Make sure to play objectively in the first 3 minutes if you are placed in the gold lane. Try to give the last hit to the minions and play solo so that the gold you get is maximum. Attack the opponent’s turret in the first 3 minutes to get additional gold from each attack you launch. That way the gold you collect will be more and more and make you able to buy the equipment items needed quickly.
You have to make good use of this gold lane in order to develop quickly. The faster you collect gold, the faster your equipment items will be able to buy. The resulting damage will certainly be greater if you have used equipment items
So, that’s an explanation of what the Mobile Legends gold lane is that we’ve discussed. Hopefully useful and can be a good reference source for you. That is all and thank you! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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