When is the 4nniversary Royale Discount in Free Fire (FF)

If you want to gain some advantage from this event, let's talk about when is the 4nniversary royale discount in Free Fire that you need to know.


If you want to gain some advantage from this event, let’s talk about when is the 4nniversary royale discount in Free Fire that you need to know. This is one of the event tips that can be really useful for you if you know about it.

Free Fire is a mobile battle royale game that is really popular with millions of active players worldwide. This is a shooting game that you can play together with your friends online.

In this game, there are many features that you can use in order to help you win the game. Some of the most important features are the weapons and characters. This game will keep on updating, so players will always have something new to try.

So now we’re going to find out more about when is the 4nniversary Royale discount in Free Fire. Let’s check out this article down below for more info about this discount event in the game.

When is the 4nniversary Royale Discount in Free Fire (FF)

According to some information, this event is going to begin on August 28th 2021. So with this event, there will definitely be a reduction on the price of the spin royale.

So make sure that you don’t miss out on this discount event. Because by participating in this discount event, you should not miss out on the chance to participate in the latest spin event as well. This is important because this discount event is only going to last for a single day.

There will also be a character prize, which is Thiva. On the Peak Day, there will be many new prizes that you can try to claim. And if you want to save even more diamonds, then you might as well try to participate in the latest Peak Day event.

There will be a total discount from 50% all the way to 100% on certain items and gacha. So on that particular day, there will be a huge chance for every players to obtain the item that they’ve been wanting for so long.

If there’s an item that is considered to expensive, you might be able to afford it on August 28th. So don’t forget to login to Free Fire on the following date.

And that’s some information about when is the 4nniversary royale discount in Free Fire. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!